Peter Lipke | Biology |
Peter N. Lipke Professor of Biology Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Baltimore City College High School 1967 General Diploma U. of Chicago B.S. 1971 Chemistry U. California Berkeley Ph.D 1976 Biochemistry U. Wisconsin Post-doctoral 1976-1978 Developmental Zoology
Professional Experience: 1978-2006 Assistant Professor to Professor of Biological Sciences, Hunter College 1990-2006 Coordinator & Project Director (1994-2006) Hunter College MARC Program 1991-1993 Chair, CUNY Ph.D. Program in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology 2000-2006 Founding Project Director, Hunter College MBRS-SCORE Research Program 2006- Professor of Biology, Brooklyn College 2006-2017 Project Director, Brooklyn College MBRS-SCORE Research Program 2007-2013, 2019-2020 ChairOrganism, Brooklyn College Biology Department 2011 CUNY Chancellor’s Steering Committee to Increase Faculty Diversity 2013-2015 Faculty Fellow for Research Development, Natural & Behavioral Sciences 2018- Coordinator, NY Area Yeast and Fungi Meetings 2019- Am. Soc. Microbiology Committee on Microbiological Issues Impacting Minorities
Honors: ASM William A. Hinton Award for outstanding contributions toward fostering the research training of underrepresented minorities in microbiology, 2018 Guest Editor: Cell Adhesion in Fungal Lifestyle and Pathogenesis; J. of Fungi, 2018 Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology, elected 2014 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, elected 1991 Editorial Board, Pathogens 2019- Editorial Board, Eukaryotic Cell, 2013-2015 Editorial Board, J. Bacteriology 1994-1999 Claire and Leonard Tow Professor of Biology, 2008-2010 FASEB Lecturer, 1996 MARC Senior Faculty Fellow, 1993-4 Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund Postdoctoral Fellow, 1976-1978 Profile: “Strength in numbers” International Innovation, June 2013.
Bibliography (106 papers)
Grant Support Research Pedagogy and Mentoring NIH: 1979-2016 NYC Board of Ed., 1992 NSF: 1988-1990, 2011-2013 NIH: 1979-2006 Mycologics, Inc. 2004-8 Biothera, Inc, 2011-14 |