Radio broadcasting began in the early 20's and in
Britain was largely the work of J.C.W. Reith, a native Scot. Reith
became the first general manager of the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) in
1922 and director general from 1927-38. Reith created and developed
broadcasting throughout the British Isles, inaugurated shortwave service and
in 1936, the first regular high definition television service in the world.
The pioneer of American Educational Television and founding
president of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) was Hartford N. Gunn, jr. a
New Yorker of Scottish descent.
In children's educational television, Mr. Rogers (Fred
Rogers) has set the standard. Rogers is from Pittsburgh and is of Scotch-Irish
ancestry. He is also an ordained Presbyterian minister.
Julia Child, born of Scottish ancestry, may be the most
famous Television chef. She has helped bring French cuisine to the American