We conduct research using behavioral, eye tracking, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), psychophysiology, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) techniques.
Memory and Metacognition
We study memory and examine how information is encoded and retrieved. We also study metacognition and examine our knowledge and awareness of our own thought processes, especially our memory processes.

What are the neural mechanisms supporting true and false memory?
We investigate the brain regions that are involved in encoding new information and retrieving information from memory, and how this information may be distorted. We use neuroimaging and brain stimulation techniques to learn about memory and the brain.

What are the neural mechanisms supporting knowledge about our memory?
We investigate the brain regions that are involved in making subjective judgments about memory, having confidence in one's memory, and having accurate knowledge about one's own memory. We conduct neuroimaging and brain stimulation studies to learn about human metacognition, especially metamemory.

What information do we use to understand our own memory?
We make judgments about our memory by making inferences based on a variety of information. We use behavioral, eye tracking, and psychophysiological techniques to identify how we know that we know.