BUSN 3170 : Fall 2013
Syllabus --> click here
Required Textbook:
International Marketing
By Philip Cateora, Mary Gilly, and John Graham
McGraw Hill Publishers 15th Edition 2011 (not the 16th Edition)
ISBN: 978-0-07-352994-3
Additional course materials are available online in BlackBoard.
Country Manager Marketing Simulation $39.95
GO TO: www.interpretive.com/students to REGISTER. You do not need your credit card to register.
At the bottom of the page enter our custom COURSE ID : BROO13580 and click START

Then enter your FIRST Name, LAST Name, Email Address, Password and click SUBMIT
You will receive an email from Interpretive Simulations with your Username and Password.
Once you receive your Username and Password you will use that to login and purchase the simulation for $30. You must pay the fee to access the simulation and for me to track your results.

Email: mbassell@brooklyn.cuny.edu professorbassell@yahoo.com
Course Website: http://userhome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bassell
Profile: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/pub/Faculty_Details5.jsp?faculty=379
Portfolio: http://userhome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bassell/teachingportfolio