I am delighted to coach and mentor my students. I have given many of them career advice, guided them through the graduate school admissions process, and reviewed their resumes. My objective is for my students to learn. My goal is to prepare them for a career. My desire is for each of my students to be successful. My hope is that they will respect others and respect themselves.
Below is a list of some of the students I have mentored. I encourage you to consider them for career opportunities.
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Tracyann Baker - RESUME
Sharon Baum
Lekshmi Cashmore - RESUME
Sheree Christie - RESUME
Eldia Decimus
Maria Diaz
Christina Fung
Saasha Gilkes
Jennifer Gipp
Suzanna Golikova
Yonette Graham
Michela Indelicato
Angelika James
Desiree King
Kevita Langhorne
Tatiana Logvinsky
Albana Lopari
Jeffrey Markowitz
Kendra Matthias
Nekoya Miller
Victor Morino
Alicia Mullings
Ricardo Nelson
Thally Thao Pham
Yelizaveta Pliss
Evan Rodriguez
Juliette Ruvinov
Martine Sigue
Yekaterina Snikovskaia
Caroline Steinberg
Shelly-Ann Stewart
Sandy Sukhra
Margarita Shmulevich
Teena Thampy
Joyce Lai-Juan Tom
Ruxandra Vasilescu
Tamila Yevdayeva
Mona Yousef
Myles Bassell is a distinguished business executive, professor, author, and lecturer. He has been a keynote speaker at many professional and academic events. Myles Bassell has given lectures to thousands of students worldwide on a variety of business topics. Some of the universities where he lectured include:
• Guangdong University of Technology, Myles Bassell
• Sun Yat Sen University, Myles Bassell
• Guangdong University of Business Studies, Myles Bassell
• South China Agricultural University, Myles Bassell
• Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Myles Bassell
Brooklyn College Open House - Spring 2006
Citigroup Entrepreneurship Class - Spring 2006
迈尔斯博士儿先生是 MIB 商业管理顾问公司的总裁及执行长. MIB 商业管理顾问公司是一间全方位服务性的广告代理商, 集发展, 应用, 整合多元化的收入及由利益所衍生出来的管理解决于一身. 博士儿先生是六本巨着的作者, 其中脍炙人心的有 <打造强而有力的品牌> 及 <藉助新产品的研发而致富>. 除了在美国纽约市立大学执教商业课程之外,亦曾任教位于纽约市曼哈頓第五大道百年设计名校 PARSONS.
博士儿先生相信总是有机会可改进结果, 总是有更好的方法解决问题. 他深信藉助更好的工具是达致更好决策的途径; 是以, 更好的决策最终成就于更好的结果. 博士儿先生精心量忖为客户们找出更好的投资方案, 从而帮助客户们走向成功的道路. 博士儿先生坚信在市场上所付出的鍿铢毫厘终究获得报酬, 在此方面他为客户们作出最有效的运用.
博士儿先生以优等骄人的成绩毕业于美国十大商学院并获得硕士学位, 擅长于管理学及精辟市场策略性的管理. 博士儿先生拥有十五年的商业工作经验, 尤其在增进销售, 改善盈利, 降低营运成本方面赢得卓越的口碑. 毋庸置疑, 凭借长期为企业运筹惟幄, 讲求实效, 独树一帜. 博士儿先生乐意将个人创业的经验与众分享. 一九九九年博士儿先生成立了第一间公司, 今天 MIB 商业管理顾问公司伸展到十个国家, 拥有二十四间办事处, 在全球延揽数以百计的精英人材在渠麾下尽展才华, 发挥所能.
博士儿先生经常在各种不同的场合,及会议中担任举足轻重的演讲; 在二零零五年秋季,他已在以下的大专院校中,连续做出掌声不断的宣讲会:
• 广东工业大学
• 中山大学岭南 (大学) 学院
• 广东商学院
• 华南农大
• 广东外语外贸大学
博士儿先生与他的家人及他最心爱巧克力色腊肠狗 Cocoa 共同生活, Cocoa 是一只充满活力及善解人意的宠物, 它喜欢咀嚼鞋子. 博士儿先生喜爱享受户外大自然气息, 热衷于单车, 滑雪并且是大专篮球队的拥趸, 喜旅游及结识来自不同文化层次的人们.
Mr. Myles Bassell is an executive with MIB Business Management Solutions Inc., a full-service advertising agency that develops, implements, and integrates a variety of revenue and profit generating management solutions. Mr. Bassell is leading the roll-out of our Business Building Lecture Series. Mr. Bassell is the author of half a dozen books, including "Building a Power Brand" and "Making Money with New Product Development". He teaches business courses at the City University of New York.
Mr. Bassell's primary reasons for teaching are to help students learn, to prepare them for careers in business, and to convey the importance of valuing cultural diversity. His focus is on helping students be sucessful. In 2005 a confidential evaluation administered by the City University of New York found that 90% of students said they would recommend Mr. Bassell. However, popularity is not the motivation for all of the effort and consideration Mr. Bassell demonstrates for his students. Mr. Bassell insists student success is his motivation.
Mr. Bassell believes there is always an opportunity to improve results and there is always a better way to do things. He believes that using better tools is the key to making better decisions and better decisions is the key to achieving better results. He is focused on making investment better for clients and making clients successful. Mr. Bassell believes that there should be a return on investment when spending money on marketing and is relentless in his efforts to optimize the Return On Investment for clients.
Mr. Bassell advises key executives on a variety of business building topics. Mr. Bassell has been a keynote speaker for many industry and university events and meetings in a variety of forums. He is a distinguished lecturer recognized worldwide. In 2005 and 2006 some of his speaking engagements included:
• Guangdong University of Technology , Myles Bassell
• Sun Yat Sen University, Myles Bassell
• Guangdong University of Business Studies, Myles Bassell
• South China Agricultural University, Myles Bassell
• Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Myles Bassell
Mr. Bassell lives with his family and Hershey Cocoa - his miniature dachshund. Hershey is an energetic and affectionate puppy who likes to chew on shoes. Mr. Bassell enjoys the outdoors and likes to cycle and jet ski. He is a pro and college basketball fan. He loves to travel and meet people.
Books on Branding
Available March 2008
The Year of the Rat
The Year of the Rat