Inverness is probably best known for being the home of the infamous Loch Ness monster affectionately known as “Nessie”, but this “Capital of the Highlands” has a wealth of wonderful places to visit and things to do even if Nessie fails to put in an appearance during your time there.
One of the more sights “off the beaten path” is Tomnahurich Cemetery. Coming from downtown Inverness, one follows High Street which becomes Bridge Street. This crosses the Ness River. Inverness Castle is on the left just before your cross the bridge and you can see Highland House of Fraser just across the river. Once you cross the river, continue on Tomnahurich Street (which joins the A82) and as it curves to the left it undergoes a change of name and becomes Glenurquhart Road. From the river, the cemetery is about one mile away. If you pass the Caledonian Canal, you have gone too far! The Canal forms the cemetery’s western boundary.
The cemetery is a 19th century public cemetery which is known for it wonderful use of topographic features giving the cemetery high artistic value. There are three basic areas in the cemetery – the Lower Cemetery on a level with the street. On the south and west slopes called The Hillside, terraced burial plots can be found
 The Lower Cemetery
 The Lower Cemetery
Walking to the Hilltop area can be reached through a long steep path that winds its way up the hill.
 The Path up
 The Path up
 The Path up
 The path is often steep enough to require stairs
The path to the Hilltop of the cemetery is virtually forested.
 The forested path with some slight view of the city beyond
 The Path to the Hilltop
 The Path to the Hilltop
From the Hilltop there are some wonderful vies of the surrounding areas
 View of the Caledonian Canal to the west
 View of the Caledonian Canal to the west
The Hilltop is a flat area arranged in an oval.
 Part of the Oval on the Hilltop
The Hilltop area also contains the war memorial for the First World War.
 The War Memorial
 The War Memorial
 The War Memorial
 The War Memorial