Ara Basmajian (CUNY Hunter College and Graduate Center):

Title: Half-turns and Commutators acting on Hyperbolic Space

Abstract:  We define a half-turn to be an order two (orientation preserving or reversing) isometry of hyperbolic space. In dimensions two and three it is well known  that for any two orientation preserving  isometries A and B there exist half-turns, α, β and γ, so that A = αβ and B = βγ.

 In joint work with Bernard Maskit, we consider the same situation in higher dimensions- we answer precisely the question of when an element can be  written as the product of two half-turns and further address the situation mentioned above. As a corollary of our work, every orientation preserving isometry of hyperbolic space is a commutator-this is well known in dimensions two and three.


Andre de Carvalho (Univerisy of Sao Paulo):

Title: Riemann origami and convergence of pseudo-Anosov sequences

Abstract: It is common to construct surfaces by specifying identifications on the sides of a polygon P in the plane. In this talk surfaces built in this way will be discussed where infinitely many identifications of sub-arcs on the boundary of P are allowed. In these cases, both the metric and the complex structures – which in the finite case are easily obtainable – have to be studied more carefully. A sufficient condition to ensure the quotient is a compact Riemann surface is presented, as well as a uniformity condition (a modulus of continuity) which allows one to decide whether a sequence of such constructions converges. As an application, the convergence of certain sequences of pseudo-Anosov maps is discussed. The main technical ingredients come from the geometric theory of functions, in particular, from the theory of extremal length.


Clifford Earle (Cornell, Warwick):

Title: Completeness of Carathéodory's metric on generalized Teichmüller spaces

Abstract:  Completeness of the Carathéodory metric dC on classical Teichmüller spaces T(S) was proved long ago. The proof used properties of the Bers embedding. In a 2006 paper, H. Miyachi extended the proof to a more general setting and showed the completeness of dC in asymptotic Teichmüller spaces. He also obtained comparisons between dC and the Kobayashi metric dK on these spaces. We prove the slightly more precise inequality:

tanh dK(a , b) 3 tanh dC (a , b);    a and b in T(S);

and apply it to some additional Teichmüller spaces.



William Harvey (King's College):

Title: Teichmüller moonshine

Abstract:  The moonshine conjectures (and theorems) link finite symmetry groups and modular functions.  We shall discuss recent attempts to extend this link into a more detailed theory involving higher genus surfaces.


Yunping Jiang (CUNY Queens College and Graduate Center):

Title: Teichmüller Structures and Gibbs Measures

Abstract: In their celebrated paper "Symmetric and Quasisymmetric Structures on a Closed Curve", Amer. J. of Math., 114 (1992), no. 4, 683-736, Fred Gardiner and Dennis Sullivan opened an asymptotically conformal geometry for us to study. It turns out that the asymptotically conformal geometry is an essential subject in one-dimensional dynamical systems. The Gibbs measure theory for smooth potentials is an old and beautiful subject and has many important applications in modern dynamical systems. For continuous potentials, it is impossible to have such a theory in general. However, in this talk, I will present a theory by using the asymptotically conformal geometry to extend the Gibbs measure theory for smooth potentials to a dual geometric Gibbs type measure theory for certain continuous potentials and introduce a Teichmüller structure on the space of these continuous potentials. Moreover, this Teichmüller structure is complete and is the completion of the space of smooth potentials under this Teichmüller structure. Thus our dual geometric Gibbs type theory is a completion of the Gibbs measure theory for smooth potentials. Some part of this work is a joint work with Fred Gardiner.


Linda Keen (CUNY Lehman College and Graduate Center):

Title: Discreteness criteria and the hyperbolic geometry of palindromes

Abstract. I will speak about joint work with Jane Gilman. We consider non-elementary representations of two generator free groups in PSL(2 , C), not necessarily discrete or free, G = á A , B ñ. A word in A and B, W (A , B), is a palindrome if it reads the same forwards and backwards. We study the geometry of palindromes and the action of G in H3 whether or not G is discrete. We show that there is a core geodesic L in the convex hull of the limit set of G and use it to prove three results: the first is that there are well defined maps from the non-negative rationals and from the primitive elements to L; the second is that G is geometrically finite if and only if the axis of every non-parabolic palindromic word in G intersects L in a compact interval; the third is a description of the relation of the pleating locus of the convex hull boundary to the core geodesic and to palindromic elements.


Irwin Kra (SUNY at Stony Brook):

Title: The Carathéodory metric on abelian Teichmüller discs

Abstract: Not much is known about the Carathéodory metric on Teichmüller space. A result that goes back to 1981 is the

THEOREM: If D Ì T(p, n) is an abelian Teichmüller disc, then cT(p,n) |D = r.

Here T(p, n) is the Teichmüller space of surfaces of finite conformal type (p, n), cT(p,n) its Carathéodory metric, and r is the hyperbolic metric on D.

COROLARRY: The canonical period map P of  T(p) into H2(p), the Siegel upper half-space is isometric (hence injective) on each abelian Teichmüller disc in T(p).

We discuss the proof of the above theorem, its relation to extremal quasi-conformal maps and its reappearance in more recent work of Curt McMullen.


Nikola Lakic (CUNY Lehman College and Graduate Center):

Title: Teichmüller density and holomorphic motions

Abstract: In a joint work with Fred Gardiner we study the connections between the Teichmüller density and holomorphic motions.  The Teicmüller density is equivalent to the Poincare density and so we obtain applications to Teichmüller theory and to conformal geometry.


Howard Masur (University of Chicago):

Title:  Billiards, ergodicity, Hausdorff dimension.

Abstract:  About 40 years ago Veech found examples of rational billiard tables and directions for the billiard flow that are minimal but
not ergodic. The examples  are a rectangle with a barrier along a side. Later work by Kerckhoff-Masur-Smillie focused on fixing  a billiard table and considering the set of directions for the flow that are minimal but not ergodic. In joint work with Cheung and Hubert we revisit the Veech examples and compute  the Hausdorff dimension of the set of nonergodic directions in terms of the number theoretic properties of the length of the barrier.


Mitsuhiro Shishikura (Kyoto University)

 Title: Renormalizations in complex dynamics and the Teichmüller theory

Abstract: The renormalization is a way to construct a new dynamical system from a given dynamical system by taking the first return map to a certain subset. The renormalization is considered as a meta-dynamics on the space of certain class of dynamical systems, and its hyperbolicity implies the rigidity or parameter space universality of such systems.  We discuss the use of Teichmüller theory in the study of renormalizations in complex dynamics, especially those with irrationally indifferent fixed points.


Dennis Sullivan (CUNY Graduate Center and SUNY at Stony Brook):

 Title: Characters of Bundles with Connection

Abstract: A real (complex) differential k-character ( for ordinary integral cohomology) is an additive map of the integral (k-1)-cycles on some manifold to the reals mod one  (complexes mod one) such that there is a  real (complex) differential  k-form whose integral mod one over any homology gives the change of the value of the character for the two cycles related by the homology. A rank n complex vector bundle over a manifold with unitary (complex) connection has n natural  real (complex) characters of degree 2,4,6,...,2n which generalize for n=1 the  holonomy around a closed curve. These characters combine the integral Chern classes, their Chern Weil representing forms and further information carried by a torus whose real (complex) dimension is the sum of the odd Betti numbers (work of Cheeger- Simons early 70's)

An exotic real (complex) differential character of even degree (for exotic K-theory cohomology) assigns to every odd smooth structured cycle a real number mod one ( a complex number mod one) so that there is a total even real (complex) form measuring the variation of the character for smoothly homologous cycles by the integral mod one over the homology of the product of the total Todd form of the smooth structured homology and the total even form. A complex bundle with unitary (complex) connection determines such a real (complex) K-character. Passing to stably isomorphic bundles with connection or changing the connection so that the Chern Simons difference form is exact does not change the K character. The set of characters realized in this way can be described and characters determine bundles with connection up to the equivalence cited ( work in progress Simons et al)


Scott Wolpert (University of Maryland at College Park):

Title: Geodesic-length functions and Weil-Petersson geometry

Abstract: Geodesic-length functions (glfs) provide a direct understanding of Teichmüller space.  We review basic properties and then discuss recent formulas for the Weil-Petersson metric, Levi-Civita connection and Riemannian curvature in terms of glfs.  The augmented Teichmüller space T  is defined by allowing pants boundary lengths to be zero.  T  is a CAT(0) metric space.  We describe the behavior of geodesics ending at a stratum of T , and describe the Alexandrov tangent cones.  Yamada’s Coxeter complex construction and finite rank result are presented as applications. 

A write up on current understanding of Weil-Petersson geometry is available at and a slide presentation is at


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