A new concept for solid state nonvolatile memory is validated.

Science News

2007 Congratulations to Karlswell Y. Shum for his high school graduation with the highest academic rank: valedictorian!

A joint research project is established between Broolyn College and CVD Equipment Corporation.

CNN News, Semiconductor Today


Professor Shum's group presented 3 papers on ZnO nanostructure related research at MRS 2009 Sping Meeting in San Francisco in collaboration with First Nano research scientists

Professor Shum's group has received the second year research funding from OmniPV Corporation.

(Brooklyn College News)


Zhuo Chen presented a paper "ZnO thin film synthesized by chemical vapor deposition" at Sixth Annal IEEE Long Island System, Applications and Technology Conference in Farmingdale/NY

CsSnI3 semiconductor thin film successfully synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method

A spnsored research agreement has been signed between Sun Harmonics Ltd. and Research Foundation of CUNY.

Under this agreement, the photonics group at Brooklyn College led by PI Kai Shum will carry out a research project on the synthesis and characterization of high quality Cu(InGa)Se2 (CIGS) thin-films aiming at high efficiency CIGS solar cells.

2011 Congratulations to Karlswell Y. Shum and his friends for their college graduation from The University of Chicago!

Congratulations to Zhuo Chen for successfully defended his thesis titled "Synthesis and characterization of polycrystalline semiconductor CsSnI3 thin-films"!

Congratulations to Kristina Y. Shum for receiving her Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science State Directors award!


Congratulations to Chonglong Yu for successfully defended his thesis

"Exploration of CsSnI3: Uncovering optical and electrical properties for photonic device applications "!

Dr. Zhuo Chen accepted a job offer as an "Application Scientist" at Nanometrics Incorporated (Nasdaq: NANO).

Congratulations to Zhuo Chen!


Dr. Chonglong Yu received an offer to be an associate at the Quantitative Research Group of JP Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM).

Congratulations to Chonglong Yu!


Congratulations to Kristina Y. Shum for her high school graduation with the top academic rank!


Congratulations to Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov for having successfully defended his thesis.


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