Updated to work with Sage 9.0 (and prior versions) on Apr. 27, 2020.
def build_adj_oct(sheet, triangle):
i = sheet;
oct_adj_base = 8*[None]
oct_adj_base[0] = [(i-1,7),(i,3),(i,1)]
oct_adj_base[1] = [(i-1,6),(i,4),(i,0)]
oct_adj_base[2] = [(i,7),(i,5),(i,3)]
oct_adj_base[3] = [(i+1,6),(i,0),(i,2)]
oct_adj_base[4] = [(i+1,7),(i,1),(i,5)]
oct_adj_base[5] = [(i,6),(i,2),(i,4)]
oct_adj_base[6] = [(i,5),(i+1,1),(i-1,3)]
oct_adj_base[7] = [(i,2),(i+1,0),(i-1,4)]
prelim_adj = [oct_adj_base[triangle%8][(k-i)%3] for k in range(3)]
return [[item[0]%3, item[1]%8] for item in prelim_adj]
def build_adj_cube(sheet, square):
i = sheet;
cube_adj_base = 6*[None]
cube_adj_base[0] = [(i-1,4), (i,1), (i+1,5), (i,3)]
cube_adj_base[1] = [(i,4), (i,2), (i,5), (i,0)]
cube_adj_base[2] = [(i+1,4), (i,3), (i-1,5), (i,1)]
cube_adj_base[3] = [(i+2,4), (i,0), (i+2,5), (i,2)]
cube_adj_base[4] = [(i+2,3), (i-1,2), (i,1), (i+1,0)]
cube_adj_base[5] = [(i,1), (i+1,2), (i+2,3), (i+3,0)]
prelim_adj = [cube_adj_base[square%6][(k-i)%4] for k in range(4)]
return [[item[0]%4, item[1]%6] for item in prelim_adj]
def build_adj_icosa(sheet, triangle):
i = sheet;
icos_adj_base = 20*[None]
icos_adj_base[0] = [(i,19),(i,3),(i,1)]
icos_adj_base[1] = [(i,18),(i,8),(i,0)]
icos_adj_base[2] = [(i,17),(i,5),(i,3)]
icos_adj_base[3] = [(i,16),(i,0),(i,2)]
icos_adj_base[4] = [(i,15),(i,7),(i,5)]
icos_adj_base[5] = [(i,14),(i,2),(i,4)]
icos_adj_base[6] = [(i,13),(i,9),(i,7)]
icos_adj_base[7] = [(i,12),(i,4),(i,6)]
icos_adj_base[8] = [(i,11),(i,1),(i,9)]
icos_adj_base[9] = [(i,10),(i,6),(i,8)]
icos_adj_base[10] = [(i,9),(i-1,18),(i+1,12)]
icos_adj_base[11] = [(i,8),(i-1,13),(i+1,19)]
icos_adj_base[12] = [(i,7),(i-1,10),(i+1,14)]
icos_adj_base[13] = [(i,6),(i-1,15),(i+1,11)]
icos_adj_base[14] = [(i,5),(i-1,12),(i+1,16)]
icos_adj_base[15] = [(i,4),(i-1,17),(i+1,13)]
icos_adj_base[16] = [(i,3),(i-1,14),(i+1,18)]
icos_adj_base[17] = [(i,2),(i-1,19),(i+1,15)]
icos_adj_base[18] = [(i,1),(i-1,16),(i+1,10)]
icos_adj_base[19] = [(i,0),(i-1,11),(i+1,17)]
prelim_adj = [icos_adj_base[triangle%20][(k+2*i)%3] for k in range(3)]
return [[item[0]%6, item[1]%20] for item in prelim_adj]
def build_adj_dodec(sheet, pent): #explains how all 120 pentagons are glued together
#sheet is between 0 and 9
#pent is between 0 and 11
i = sheet;
# To define the adjacencies of pentagons, we take i = 1 or 2 depending on which
# puts it in the position of horizontal edge on bottom
# Then a rotation of the lists will give the correct identification
# The place in this list is the pentagon, but it needs to be rotated by j
# creating a list of list of tuples
#pentagons in the net labeled, left flower has horizontal bottom = F_0, below it is F_1, counterclockwise around for F_2,..,F_5
#F_6 is center of other flower, F_7 above it, counterclockwise around for F_8, ..., F_11.
dodec_adj_base = 12*[None] #initializing list of adjacencies
dodec_adj_base[0] = [(i,1),(i,2),(i,3),(i,4),(i,5)] #adjacencies of F_0
dodec_adj_base[1] = [(i,0),(i+1,5),(i+4,10),(i-4,9),(i-1,2)] #adjacencies of F_1
dodec_adj_base[2] = [(i-1,3),(i,0),(i+1,1),(i-2,9),(i,8)] #adjacencies of F_2
dodec_adj_base[3] = [(i+4,7),(i-1,4),(i,0),(i+1,2),(i+2,8)] #adjacencies of F_3
dodec_adj_base[4] = [(i-4,7),(i-2,11),(i-1,5),(i,0),(i+1,3)] #adjacencies of F_4
dodec_adj_base[5] = [(i+1,4),(i,11),(i+2,10),(i-1,1),(i,0)] #adjacencies of F_5
dodec_adj_base[6] = [(i,7),(i,8),(i,9),(i,10),(i,11)] #adjacencies of F_6
dodec_adj_base[7] = [(i,6),(i+1,11),(i+4,4),(i-4,3),(i-1,8)] #adjacencies of F_7
dodec_adj_base[8] = [(i-1,9),(i,6),(i+1,7),(i-2,3),(i,2)] #adjacencies of F_8
dodec_adj_base[9] = [(i+4,1),(i-1,10),(i,6),(i+1,8),(i+2,2)] #adjacencies of F_9
dodec_adj_base[10] = [(i-4,1),(i-2,5),(i-1,11),(i,6),(i+1,9)] #adjacencies of F_10
dodec_adj_base[11] = [(i+1,10),(i,5),(i+2,4),(i-1,7),(i,6)] #adjacencies of F_11
prelim_adj = [dodec_adj_base[pent%12][(k+2*i)%5] for k in range(5)]
return [[item[0]%10, item[1]%12] for item in prelim_adj]
import itertools
# These are for the Platonic solids with odd polygon faces to construct the base surface
def double_triangle_oct_top(): # gives the list of all triangles with horizontal base
return list(itertools.product(*[range(3), range(0,8,2)]))
def double_triangles_oct():
return [[list(top),build_adj_oct(top[0],top[1])[0]] for top in double_triangle_oct_top()]
def squares():
return list(itertools.product(*[range(4), range(6)]))
def double_triangle_top(): # gives the list of all triangles with horizontal base
odd_array = [range(1,6,2), range(1,20,2)]
even_array = [range(0,6,2), range(0,20,2)]
return list(itertools.product(*odd_array)) + list(itertools.product(*even_array))
def double_triangles():
return [[list(top),build_adj_icosa(top[0],top[1])[0]] for top in double_triangle_top()]
def double_pent_top(): # gives the list of all pentagons with horizontal base
odd_array = [list(range(1,10,2)), list(range(7,12)) + [0]]
even_array = [range(0,9,2), range(1,7)]
return list(itertools.product(*odd_array)) + list(itertools.product(*even_array))
def double_pent(): # gives list of 60 double pentagons
return [[top,build_adj_dodec(top[0],top[1])[4]] for top in double_pent_top()]
def perm_sq(abcd):
#This only gives useful information for abcd = 1 or 2
sq_list = squares()
total = []
i = 0
perm_a_sub = []
perm_a = []
while len(total) < 20:
total += perm_a_sub
if len(total) != 0:
i_list = [j for j in range(len(total)) if j != total[j]]
if i_list == []:
i = len(total)
i = i_list[0]
perm_a_sub = []
while i not in perm_a_sub:
perm_a_sub += [i]
i = sq_list.index(tuple(build_adj_cube(sq_list[i][0], sq_list[i][1])[abcd]))
return perm_a
def perm_odd(plat_solid, abcd, top_list, double_list, upper_limit = 55):
bot_list = [tri[1] for tri in double_list]
total = []
i = 0
perm_a_sub = []
perm_a = []
while len(total) < upper_limit:
total += perm_a_sub
if len(total) != 0:
i_list = [j for j in range(len(total)) if j != total[j]]
if i_list == []:
i = len(total)
i = i_list[0]
perm_a_sub = []
while i not in perm_a_sub:
perm_a_sub += [i]
if plat_solid == 5:
i = bot_list.index(build_adj_dodec(top_list[i][0],top_list[i][1])[abcd])
elif plat_solid == 4:
i = bot_list.index(build_adj_icosa(top_list[i][0],top_list[i][1])[abcd])
elif plat_solid == 3:
i = bot_list.index(build_adj_oct(top_list[i][0],top_list[i][1])[abcd])
return perm_a
from surface_dynamics.all import *
def zer_to_60(perm,t=60):
This replaces the 0 in the permutation with t
It addresses the issue that permutations take values in the natural numbers
return [tuple([t if j==0 else j for j in tup]) if 0 in tup else tup for tup in perm];
#Monodromy permutations for the octahedron
oct_perm_0 = zer_to_60(perm_odd(3,1,double_triangle_oct_top(),double_triangles_oct(),9),12)
oct_perm_1 = zer_to_60(perm_odd(3,2,double_triangle_oct_top(),double_triangles_oct(),9),12)
octahedron = Origami(oct_perm_0, oct_perm_1)
H_octa = octahedron.veech_group()
#Monodromy permutations for the cube
cube_perm_0 = zer_to_60(perm_sq(0),24)
cube_perm_1 = zer_to_60(perm_sq(1),24)
cube = Origami(cube_perm_0, cube_perm_1)
H_cube = cube.veech_group()
#Monodromy permutations for the icosahedron
print(perm_odd(4, 1, double_triangle_top(), double_triangles()))
print(perm_odd(4, 2, double_triangle_top(), double_triangles()))
icos_perm_0 = zer_to_60(perm_odd(4, 1, double_triangle_top(), double_triangles()))
icos_perm_1 = zer_to_60(perm_odd(4, 2, double_triangle_top(), double_triangles()))
icosahedron = Origami(icos_perm_0, icos_perm_1)
H_icos = icosahedron.veech_group()
print('Proof for the Octahedron:')
print('Number of Cusps = ' + str(len(H_octa.cusps())))
print('Slope 1 yields cylinders given by a permutation that is a product of 2-cycles:')
print('Vertical yields cylinders given by a permutation that is a product of 3-cycles.')
print('Both directions are distinct periodic directions. No zero appears twice in any square.')
print('Proof for the cube:')
print('Number of Cusps = ' + str(len(H_cube.cusps())))
print('Vertical yields cylinders given by a permutation that is a product of 4-cycles.')
print('\n'+'Slope 1 yields cylinders given by a permutation that is a product of 3-cycles.')
print('\n'+'Slope 2 yields cylinders given by a permutation that is a product of 2-cycles.')
print('\n'+'All 3 directions are distinct periodic directions. No zero appears on both the top and bottom of any cylinder.')
print('Proof for the Icosahedron:')
print('Number of Cusps = ' + str(len(H_icos.cusps())))
print('Vertical yields cylinders given by a permutation that is a product of 5-cycles.')
print('\n'+'Slope 1/3 yields cylinders given by a permutation that is a product of 3-cycles.')
print('\n'+'Slope 1/2 yields cylinders given by a permutation that is a product of 2-cycles.')
print('\n'+'All 3 directions are distinct periodic directions. No zero appears on both the top and bottom of any cylinder.')
H_octa = octahedron.veech_group()
H_cube = cube.veech_group()
H_icos = icosahedron.veech_group()
Arith_Plat_Solids = [(H_octa,'Octahedron'), (H_cube,'Cube'), (H_icos,'Icosahedron')]
for i in range(3):
H_plat = Arith_Plat_Solids[i][0]
print(H_plat.index()) #index in SL(2, Z)
print(H_plat.cusps()) #list of cusps
print([H_plat.cusp_width(cusp) for cusp in H_plat.cusps()])
print(H_plat.nu2()) #Number of orbifold points of order 2
print(H_plat.nu3()) #Number of orbifold points of order 3
You need a recent version of FlatSurf to run this code. Directions to install FlatSurf are here: https://github.com/videlec/sage-flatsurf
Load the 'flatsurf' package:
from flatsurf import *
Define $F={\mathbb Q}(s)$ where $s=2 \sin \frac{\pi}{5}$
s_AA = AA(2*sin(pi/5))
F.<s> = NumberField(s_AA.minpoly(), embedding=s_AA)
The top and bottom pentagons with side length two:
pentagon_top = 2 * polygons.regular_ngon(5, field=F)
pentagon_bottom = (-1) * pentagon_top
Matrices in the Veech group of the double pentagon:
R = Matrix(F, [[ cos(pi/5), -sin(pi/5) ],
[ sin(pi/5), cos(pi/5) ]] )
show("R=", R)
T = Matrix(F, [[ 1, 2*cot(pi/5) ],
[ 0, 1 ]] )
show("T=", T)
J = Matrix(F, [[ 1, 0 ],
[ 0, -1 ]] )
show("J=", J)
We will build a surface Dtilde
with vertices in $F^2$:
S = Surface_dict(F)
Add the pentagon with labels given by (sheet, pent)
. The pentagons will be either top or bottom and this can be decided by looking at the list generated by double_pent_top()
top_indices = double_pent_top()
for sheet in range(10):
for pent in range(12):
if (sheet, pent) in top_indices:
S.add_polygon(pentagon_top, label=(sheet,pent))
S.add_polygon(pentagon_bottom, label=(sheet,pent))
Declare a base label.
Glue the edges of the polygons as specified by build_adj_dodec
for sheet in range(10):
for pent in range(12):
adj = build_adj_dodec(sheet,pent)
for edge in range(5):
S.change_edge_gluing((sheet,pent), edge, tuple(adj[edge]), edge)
Make it so the surface can no longer be changed:
Declare Dtilde
to be the translation surface based on S
Dtilde = TranslationSurface(S)
# The following line would print an error message if S
# does not define a translation surface.
The following code computes the permutations r
and t
. Warning: This code takes a long time to run: about 24 hours on a fast computer.</e>
# Change the following to True to actually run the code.
run_the_code = False
if run_the_code:
# This is for a progress indicator.
import sys
progress = 0
from datetime import datetime
start = datetime.now()
count = 0
gens = [(R,'R'), (T,'T')]
for gen,letter in gens:
gens_action = {gen:{} for gen,letter in gens}
Dtilde_canonicalized = Dtilde.canonicalize()
leaves = [Dtilde_canonicalized]
surface_to_index = {Dtilde_canonicalized: 1}
w = {1: ''}
while len(leaves)>0:
old_leaves = leaves
leaves = []
for leaf in old_leaves:
count += 1
leaf_index = surface_to_index[leaf]
for gen, letter in gens:
image_surface = (gen*leaf).canonicalize()
if image_surface in surface_to_index:
image_index = surface_to_index[image_surface]
image_index = len(surface_to_index)+1
surface_to_index[image_surface] = image_index
w[image_index] = letter + w[leaf_index]
gens_action[gen][leaf_index] = image_index
if progress < floor(100*count/2106):
# Give some feedback on progress made.
progress = floor(100*count/2106)
current = datetime.now()
change = (current - start).total_seconds()
expected = change*(2106 - count)/count
print(str(progress) + "% complete (" + str(floor(expected)) +" seconds remaining)")
N = len(surface_to_index)
r = Permutation( [ gens_action[R][i] for i in range(1,N+1) ] )
t = Permutation( [ gens_action[T][i] for i in range(1,N+1) ] )
# Just the answer:
N = 2106
# Read the permuation r from a file:
f = open("r_permutation.txt", "r")
r = Permutation(eval(f.readline()))
# Read the permuation t from a file:
f = open("t_permutation.txt", "r")
t = Permutation(eval(f.readline()))
# Read the dictionary w from a file.
f = open("dodecahedron_words.txt", "r")
w = eval(f.readline())
As a sanity check, we observe that the words in the dictionary w
are ordered as claimed by Remark 9.3 of the paper.
# This function compares two words in the ordering described
# in Remark 9.3.
def compare_words(w1,w2):
# return -1 if w1 < w2
# return 0 if w1 = w2
# return 1 if w1 > w2.
if len(w1) < len(w2):
return -1
if len(w1) > len(w2):
return 1
# The words have equal length.
# Now we compare the letters in reverse order.
for i in range(1, len(w1)+1):
if w1[-i] < w2[-i]:
return -1
if w1[-i] > w2[-i]:
return 1
# All letters match.
return 0
# Now we check the ordering.
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(i+1, N+1):
assert compare_words(w[i],w[j])==-1
The following code computes the permuation j
rinv = ~r # The inverse permuation of r
tinv = ~t # The inverse permuation of t
def index_of_phi_of_word(word):
# Given a word in the letters "R" and "T", this function computes
# the surface index of the surface phi(word)(tildeD).
index = 1
for letter in reversed(word):
if letter == "R":
index = rinv(index)
elif letter == "T":
index = tinv(index)
return index
j = Permutation([index_of_phi_of_word(w[i]) for i in range(1,2107)])
The following code computes wordlist
which contains one word representing each $\langle T,J\rangle$ orbit in $V_+(P)(\tilde D)$.
equiv = {i:{i} for i in range(1,2107)}
for index1 in range(1,2107):
index2 = t(index1)
for index3 in equiv[index2]:
equiv[index3] = equiv[index1]
index2 = j(index1)
for index3 in equiv[index2]:
equiv[index3] = equiv[index1]
equivalence_classes = { frozenset(equiv[i]) for i in range(1,2107) }
indexlist = [min(eqclass) for eqclass in equivalence_classes]
wordlist = [w[i] for i in indexlist]
coset_reps = wordlist
This gives the total number of cusps up to the action by the $V_{\pm}(\tilde D)$:
#Auxiliary Functions.
import ast
def python_to_sage(perm):
return PermutationGroupElement(zer_to_60([tuple(j) for j in perm]))
def sage_to_python(perm):
This compensates for the annoying fact that sage doesn't treat
permutations as tuples.
perm is a string in the following form
perm = ((.)()()()(..), (.)()()(..), (...), (...))
perm = perm.replace('((', '([(').replace('))', ')])').replace('), (', ')], [(').replace(')(', '),(')
return tuple(ast.literal_eval(perm))
def sn_n(perm, elt, power=1):
This is the action of an element of S_n on the set of n natural numbers
If power = 1, the action is by the element,
and if power = -1, the action is by its inverse.
perm is a python element
elt_perm = [tup for tup in perm if elt in tup];
if elt_perm == []:
return elt
elt_fin = elt_perm[0]
return elt_fin[(elt_fin.index(elt)+power) %len(elt_fin)]
x = [python_to_sage(perm_odd(5, i, double_pent_top(), double_pent())) for i in range(4)]
def gam_r(x):
return (x[2]*x[3]**(-1), x[2], x[2]*x[0]**(-1), x[2]*x[1]**(-1))
def gam_t(x):
return (x[0]*x[1]**(-1), x[1], x[1]*x[2]*(x[3]**(-1))*x[2], x[1]*x[2])
def vert_cycle(n,x):
x is a quadruple of python elements
sheet_cycle = [n];
end = -1;
n8 = n
while end != n:
n1 = sn_n(x[3],n8,-1)
n2 = sn_n(x[2],n1)
n3 = sn_n(x[1],n2,-1)
n4 = sn_n(x[0],n3)
n5 = sn_n(x[3],n4)
n6 = sn_n(x[2],n5,-1)
n7 = sn_n(x[1],n6)
n8 = sn_n(x[0],n7,-1)
if n8 != n:
end = n8
return sheet_cycle
def vert_to_self_long(vert):
vert0_to_vert2 = [(0,i%8,vert[i]) for i in range(2,24,8) if vert[0] == vert[i]] # This searches among the long horizontal saddle connection 0,2
return vert0_to_vert2
def vert_to_self_short(vert):
vert0_to_vert3 = [(0,i%8,vert[i]) for i in range(3,24,8) if vert[0] == vert[i]] # This searches among the short horizontal saddle connection 0,3
return vert0_to_vert3
def sage_mon_gen_fcn(coset_rep):
fcn0 = '(x)'
fcn1 = ''
for i in coset_rep:
if i == 'T':
fcn1 += 'gam_t('
if i == 'R':
fcn1 += 'gam_r('
fcn = fcn1 + fcn0
for i in coset_rep:
fcn += ')'
return fcn
def traj_to_self_search_short(sheet = 1):
coset_traj_to_self_short = []
for coset in coset_reps:
y = sage_to_python(str(eval(sage_mon_gen_fcn(coset))))
coset_search = vert_to_self_short(vert_cycle(sheet,y))
if len(coset_search) > 0:
return coset_traj_to_self_short
def traj_to_self_search_long(sheet = 1):
coset_traj_to_self_long = []
for coset in coset_reps:
y = sage_to_python(str(eval(sage_mon_gen_fcn(coset))))
coset_search = vert_to_self_long(vert_cycle(sheet,y))
if len(coset_search) > 0:
return coset_traj_to_self_long
print('There are '+ str(len(traj_to_self_search_short())) + ' trajectories renormalized to short saddle connections.')
print('There are '+ str(len(traj_to_self_search_long())) + ' trajectories renormalized to long saddle connections:')
traj_to_self_coset_list = [item[1] for item in traj_to_self_search_long()]
print([item[1] for item in traj_to_self_search_long()])
This is the list of 31 coset representatives:
# Define the double pentagon surface Pi_5
double_pentagon_surface = Surface_dict(base_ring=F)
double_pentagon_surface.add_polygon(pentagon_top, label=0)
double_pentagon_surface.add_polygon(pentagon_bottom, label=1)
for i in range(5):
Pi5 = TranslationSurface(double_pentagon_surface)
The function str_to_vect
takes a string coset_rep
in 'R' and 'T' and applyies the inverse of the corresponding matrix in $\langle R, T\rangle$ to the vector $(2 \varphi, 0)$. When applied to a coset representative, this gives the holonomy of a long closed saddle connection on $\tilde D$.
phi = F((1+sqrt(5))/2)
def str_to_vect(coset_rep, index=0):
# This is the holonomy of the saddle connection sigma_0.
v_fin = vector([2*phi,0])
for i in coset_rep:
if i == 'T':
v_fin = T.inverse()*v_fin
elif i == 'R':
v_fin = R.inverse()*v_fin
return v_fin
The following function preferred_vect
takes a vector $v$ obtained as above and outputs a vector of the form $R^k v$ pointed in a direction in $[0,\frac{3 \pi}{5})$ such that the corresponding saddle connection on $\Pi_5$ has a cylinder with equal holonomy on the left. This is the normalization used in Appendix C.
from flatsurf.geometry.surface_objects import SaddleConnection
def preferred_vect(v):
sector0 = vector(F,[1,0])
sector1 = vector(F,[cos(3*pi/5),sin(3*pi/5)])
# Form the list of rotated images of v under powers of R
# that point in directions with angle in [0, 3*pi/5].
possible_vectors = []
for i in range(10):
w = R^i * v
if det(matrix([sector0, w]))>=0 and det(matrix([w, sector1]))>0:
# Sanity check that there are three vectors in our list.
assert len(possible_vectors) == 3
# For each of these vectors, construct the corresponding saddle connection
# on Pi5, and return the one with the short cylinder on the left.
for j in range(3):
w = possible_vectors[j]
# Construct the saddle connection leaving vertex 0 of polygon 0
# with direction w.
sc = SaddleConnection(Pi5, (0,0), w)
if sc.holonomy() == w:
# At this point we know sc is a long saddle connection.
start = sc.start_tangent_vector()
end = sc.end_tangent_vector()
# If we rotate the start tangent vector by 180 degrees
# counterclockwise and we find a scalar multiple of the end
# tangent vector, then we know the short cylinder is on the left.
if sc.start_tangent_vector().counterclockwise_to(-w). \
return w
Now we form Table 3 of Appendix C.
# List index, holonomy vector, approximate length,
# and approximate holonomy vector for each coset.
sadd_conn_total = []
for coset_rep in traj_to_self_coset_list:
vect = preferred_vect(str_to_vect(coset_rep))
sadd_conn_total.append( (coset_rep, vect, vect.norm().n(digits=6), vect.n(digits=6)) )
# Sort by length:
sadd_conn_total_sort = sorted(sadd_conn_total, key=lambda x: x[2])
print('', 'Coset Rep','Exact Vector', 'Length of Trajectory','Vector of Trajectory')
# The following prints the Table 3 of the appendix.
for i in enumerate(sadd_conn_total_sort):
print(str(i[0]+1) + ' & ' + \
'$' + str(i[1][0]) + '$ & ' + \
'$' + latex(i[1][1]) + '$ & ' + \
str(i[1][2]) + ' & ' + \
str(i[1][3]) + ' \\\\')
Now we sanity check our saddle connection combinatorial length formula. The following function evaluates the combinatorial length formula described in remark C.2. We compare the results of applying the formula to the combinatorial length computed by FlatSurf.
def combinatorial_length_of_long_sc(hol):
a = hol[0][0]
b = hol[0][2]
c = hol[1][1]
d = hol[1][3]
assert hol[1] > 0
if det(matrix(F,[hol,[cos(pi/5),sin(pi/5)]]))>0:
return -b-c-4*d
elif det(matrix(F,[hol,[cos(2*pi/5),sin(2*pi/5)]]))>0:
return a+3*b-d-1
assert det(matrix(F,[hol,[cos(3*pi/5),sin(3*pi/5)]]))>0
return 2*c+6*d-1
error_count = 0
for i,data in enumerate(sadd_conn_total_sort):
vect = data[1]
sc = SaddleConnection(Pi5, (0,0), vect)
traj = sc.trajectory()
l = combinatorial_length_of_long_sc(sc.holonomy())
if traj.combinatorial_length() != l:
print("Saddle connection %s predicted combinatorial length is %s, but the actual length is %s."
% (i,l,traj.combinatorial_length()))
print("Found %s mistakes in the formula." % error_count)
We will find all saddle connections of length less than 622 and then analyze them.
L = 622
The following represents the indices of surfaces representing each of the coset used in Table 3. We order the collections to match the table.
sc_index_to_equivalence_class = []
for i in range(31):
coset_rep = sadd_conn_total_sort[i][0]
coset_index = index_of_phi_of_word(coset_rep)
for equiv_class in equivalence_classes:
if coset_index in equiv_class:
The union of all the sets in the list above is the collection of indices of surfaces with closed long horizontal saddle connections.
all_closed_indices = set()
for equiv_class in sc_index_to_equivalence_class:
all_closed_indices = all_closed_indices.union(equiv_class)
The following is the generalized continued fraction algorithm applied to a vector.
# Let r denote R^-1 and t denote T^-1.
# Given a vector v representing the holonomy of a saddle connection,
# the following returns a word in r and t, which when viewed as a matrix
# carries v to either (2, 0) or (2*phi, 0).
# We return the pair consisting of the group element applied,
# as a string in r and t and the resulting vector (2,0) or (2*phi, 0).
def vector_to_word(v):
assert v[1] >= 0
w = v
word = ""
while w[1] != 0:
if det(matrix(F,[[cos(pi/5),sin(pi/5)],w])) >= 0:
w = R^-1 * w
word = "r" + word
w = T^-1 * w
word = "t" + word
return (word, w)
Below we find all saddle connections of length less than $L$. Then we analyze them to figure out which coset the belong to and store them in a dictionary if they are shorter than any other closed saddle connection found so far that represents the same coset.
This is a long calculation which takes about 7 hours and is skipped by default. Set do_long_calculation = True
to do the computation.
do_long_calculation = False
if do_long_calculation:
# Obtain the saddle connections of length less than L:
print("Finding all saddle connections of length less than %s leaving vertex 0 of polygon 0." % L)
print("This will take approximately 75 minutes.")
from datetime import datetime
start = datetime.now()
sc_list = Pi5.saddle_connections(L^2, initial_label=0, initial_vertex=0)
end = datetime.now()
print("Found %s saddle connections of length less than %s." % (len(sc_list), L))
print("That calculation took %s seconds." % (end - start).total_seconds())
# This will store the holonomies of the shortest
# saddle connections found for each coset:
shortest = 31*[None]
import sys
print("Checking saddle connections:")
progress = 0
start = datetime.now()
for i, sc in enumerate(sc_list):
if progress < floor(100*i/len(sc_list)):
# Give some feedback on progress made.
progress = floor(100*i/len(sc_list))
current = datetime.now()
change = (current - start).total_seconds()
expected = change*(len(sc_list)-i)/i
print(str(progress) + "% complete (" + str(floor(expected)) +" seconds remaining)")
word, reduced_vector = vector_to_word(sc.holonomy())
if reduced_vector != vector([2*phi,0]):
# This is a short saddle connection.
# Discard it!
# Index of the translation cover of the dodecahedron:
index = 1
for letter in reversed(word):
if letter == "r":
# Perform the R^-1 action on surface indices
index = rinv(index)
if letter == "t":
# Perform the T^-1 action on surface indices
index = tinv(index)
if index in all_closed_indices:
# Run only if long horizontal saddle connections are closed
for j in range(31):
if index in sc_index_to_equivalence_class[j]:
# We belong to the j-th coset.
# Check if it is the first found for this coset or if it is
# shorter than anything else found for this coset.
if shortest[j] is None or \
F(sc.holonomy().norm()^2) < F(shortest[j].norm()^2):
# Store the holonomy off.
shortest[j] = sc.holonomy()
# We give the result of the computation and then run some sanity checks.
shortest = [ vector(F, (-6*s^2 + 23, -3*s^3 + 10*s)), # 1
vector(F, (-21*s^2 + 76, -5*s^3 + 19*s)), # 2
vector(F, (-22*s^2 + 78, -4*s^3 + 16*s)), # 3
vector(F, (-36*s^2 + 131, -19*s^3 + 68*s)), # 4
vector(F, (-42*s^2 + 154, -8*s^3 + 28*s)), # 5
vector(F, (-43*s^2 + 156, -7*s^3 + 25*s)), # 6
vector(F, (-48*s^2 + 176, -4*s^3 + 14*s)), # 7
vector(F, (-42*s^2 + 153, -23*s^3 + 82*s)), # 8
vector(F, (-46*s^2 + 166, -20*s^3 + 72*s)), # 9
vector(F, (-52*s^2 + 183, -3*s^3 + 12*s)), # 10
vector(F, (-63*s^2 + 232, -9*s^3 + 31*s)), # 11
vector(F, (-70*s^2 + 253, -17*s^3 + 62*s)), # 12
vector(F, (-72*s^2 + 261, -11*s^3 + 40*s)), # 13
vector(F, (-90*s^2 + 327, -23*s^3 + 82*s)), # 14
vector(F, (-92*s^2 + 332, -20*s^3 + 74*s)), # 15
vector(F, (-111*s^2 + 408, -43*s^3 + 153*s)), # 16
vector(F, (-61*s^2 + 226, -5*s^3 + 17*s)), # 17
vector(F, (-123*s^2 + 446, -17*s^3 + 61*s)), # 18
vector(F, (-89*s^2 + 326, -13*s^3 + 45*s)), # 19
vector(F, (-132*s^2 + 479, -19*s^3 + 68*s)), # 20
vector(F, (-109*s^2 + 390, -13*s^3 + 49*s)), # 21
vector(F, (-93*s^2 + 334, -19*s^3 + 71*s)), # 22
vector(F, (-115*s^2 + 416, -39*s^3 + 141*s)), # 23
vector(F, (-130*s^2 + 473, -33*s^3 + 118*s)), # 24
vector(F, (-159*s^2 + 576, -13*s^3 + 47*s)), # 25
vector(F, (-116*s^2 + 418, -6*s^3 + 22*s)), # 26
vector(F, (-165*s^2 + 592, -11*s^3 + 41*s)), # 27
vector(F, (-164*s^2 + 590, -34*s^3 + 126*s)), # 28
vector(F, (-152*s^2 + 556, -12*s^3 + 42*s)), # 29
vector(F, (-143*s^2 + 522, -23*s^3 + 83*s)), # 30
vector(F, (-272*s^2 + 984, -48*s^3 + 174*s))] # 31
for i in range(31):
word, reduced_vect = vector_to_word(shortest[i])
assert reduced_vect == vector([2*phi,0])
# Compute the index of the associated surface
index = 1
for letter in reversed(word):
if letter == "r":
# Perform the R^-1 action on surface indices
index = rinv(index)
if letter == "t":
# Perform the T^-1 action on surface indices
index = tinv(index)
assert index in sc_index_to_equivalence_class[i]
# Check that it is indeed non-strictly shorter than our coset representative.
assert F(sadd_conn_total_sort[i][1].norm()^2) >= F(shortest[i].norm()^2)
# We use the following to help format the words in the Table 4.
def string_to_free_group_element(string):
G.<R,T> = FreeGroup()
g = G.one()
for letter in string:
if letter == "R":
g = g*R
g = g*T
return g
Now we compare what we found to the lengths of holonomy vectors in Table 3.
We form a new table only listing the the shorter trajectories. This is Table 4 of the appendix.
shortest_table = {}
for i in range(31):
if shortest[i] is not None:
if F(shortest[i].norm()^2) < F(sadd_conn_total_sort[i][1].norm()^2):
v = shortest[i]
word = vector_to_word(v)[0]
coset_rep_inv = string_to_free_group_element(
vect = preferred_vect(v)
shortest_table[i] = (coset_rep_inv, vect, vect.norm().n(digits=6),
print('', 'Inverse of Coset Rep','Exact Vector', 'Length of Trajectory','Vector of Trajectory')
for i,data in shortest_table.items():
print(str(i+1) + ' & ' + \
'$\\big(' + str(data[0]).replace('*','') + '\\big)^{-1}$ & ' + \
'$' + latex(data[1]) + '$ & ' + \
str(data[2]) + ' & ' + \
str(data[3]) + ' \\\\')
Now we check our combinatorial length formula for our new list of saddle connections.
error_count = 0
for i,data in shortest_table.items():
vect = data[1]
sc = SaddleConnection(Pi5, (0,0), vect)
traj = sc.trajectory()
l = combinatorial_length_of_long_sc(sc.holonomy())
if traj.combinatorial_length() != l:
print("Saddle connection %s predicted combinatorial length is %s, but the actual length is %s."
% (i,l,traj.combinatorial_length()))
print("Found %s mistakes in the formula." % error_count)