St. Andrews Day, Nov. 30th is a major Scottish holiday, and to honor that, The Saltire Society fo New York and the Film Department of Brooklyn College will present a day of lectures about and the showing of Scottish films.. Information on the event can be found at:
Scottish Films at Brooklyn College
We would like to note with some pleasure the number of Scottish performers cuurently active or whose films are appearing regularly in motino picture houses or on television. These include (bit are not limited to:
This stone circle is found in Fife not far from Edinburgh. Stone circles like these are found in many parts of Britain, the most famous of which is Stonehenge in that suburbs of Scotland (England). There are a number in the north of Scotland as well. Although their functions are not well understood they seem to have had some sort of astronomical function, and most probably associated with ritual activity.
As indicated on the sign, the evidence suggests that the circle was in use from about 4,000 to 2,000 BC making it older than the pyramids of Egypt. The circle is part of a larger complex and measures 64.9 meters (a shade short of 213 feet). It appears to be a part of a larger ceremonial complex. Roger Mercer excavated the site between 1977 and 1978. Between 1983 and 1985 two archaeologists, Barclay and Russell-White, found a second henge nearby.
For more information go to: The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS)

Prehistoric Landscape
You are standing close to one edge of a complex of sites associated with the ritual and burial of the people who lived and farmed in Fife from about 4000 BC to about 1500 BC.
There are three major parts of this complex: they have been reserved within the developments which prompted the excavation of the sites from 1970 to 1985. The excavations were funded by Historic Scotland, the historic buildings and monuments agency for Scotland. The sites were restored and reconstructed by Glenrothes Development Corporation after excavation.
This board introduces the complex boards at the three main sites and explains what was found at those sites and the adjacent parts of the complex.

The sign reads:
The Site was excavated in 1977 and 1978 by Historic Scotland. It was in use from before 4000 BC until about 2000 BC
The first activity to have taken place in the part of the complex was the digging of pits to the west: large quantities of pottery were placed in them.
Around 3000 BC there were further deposits of burnt pottery, charcoal, with burnt bone, The type of pottery was different - of a kind know as Grooved Ware.
After this the henge itself was built. Within the circular enclosure formed by the ditch a number of structures were erected, one succeeding another. First, a circle of 16 massive timbers was set up, with a "porch" arrangement formed by two further posts. The reconstruction of the henge you see in front of you is of this period. The timbers were probably taller on the W. side, towards the entrance through the ditch. To judge from the other henges in Britain an earthen bank probably surrounded the ditched enclosure outside the circuit.
The timber circle stood for some time. Eventually it was replaced by a circle of standing stones; two stones survive on this site - one is part of the circle (B), the other is a portal stone (A)
It is not known what the henges were used for
In the central area of the henge a young person, probably male, about 20 years of age, was buried in a pit. The pit was covered by a two ton slab of stone, visible in its original position today. The burial was accompanied by a very finely made handled Beaker and a flint knife. |

The site is run by Historic Scotland. and is located in Glenrothes There is regular train service from Edinburgh can take you to Glenrothes with Thornton (Gleann Rathais le Thornton). Glenrothes is just off the A92