The Honourable George E. Pataki
Governor of the State of New York,
State Capitol,
United States of America.
22 February 2002
In my capacity of Convener (President and Chairman of Trustees) of the Regimental Association of The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders (the 79th Regiment of Foot) I have the honour of writing to advise you of my Association’s approval and support for any revival of the name in connection with a unit of the New York State Militia.
I understand that the original 79th Regiment, New York State Militia, was formed at the time of the American Civil War and fought with distinction; we are proud to assert that we in The Queens Own Cameron Highlanders have inherited and contributed to the same reputation for ourselves in the British Army. After 168 years continuous service as a regiment of the British regular army, our name has passed into history following reductions in the British Army in 1961 and we would be proud to hear of the Cameron Highlander name being revived and carried by one of your units.
On behalf of our Association I therefore respectfully submit this letter in support of any such proposal that may come to your consideration.
I am, Sir,
Yours respectfully
Anthony G Findlay
Brigadier (retd)