
Almost any material can be used to make a puppet, Many puppeteers become experts and seeing how strange objects can be used for puppets and puppet props and sets.

Typically human heads are the most complex. They may be made of many materials: cloth, plastic wood, papier mache, resins and a variety of other materials, Often the person who makes the puppet is not the same person who operates it and not all operators know how to make puppets.

It is possible to have the head made in a very complicated way, On some puppet's heads, there are no moving parts, on others, the mouth may move. Some puppets can blink their eyes, or even move them from side to side. One magician puppet had small light bulbs for eyes and when he got angry the lights would flash on and off!

Some puppets, like this one from the Japanese Bunraku theater can transform from one character into another!
