Lecture Two


Male gaze

Cheese cake
Beef cake


Actual rape (which has to be kept apart from a kind of fantasy about rape) is certainly not an act of love or affection but one of violence.

There are many kinds of rape described popularly – date rape, spouse rape, prostitute rape (a term sometimes used by police about prostitutes who report being raped because they didn’t get paid).

Legally, rape comes in a variety of kinds designated by the degree (1st, 2nd, 3rd degree) which are DC and B class felonies). The distinctions are largely about age, mental state or condition. Despite Rhodes Scholar lawyer Bill Clinton’s question “what is sex?” and “What is “is”?” all the definitions legally are spelled out in criminal law. In NY section 130 in the penal code.

Deadly physical force can be used against people committing or attempting to escape from forcible rape (among other things). This varies from state to state and time to time.

A private person acting on his or her own account may use physical force, other than deadly physical force when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes such is necessary to effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody whom he or she reasonably believes to have committed such offense and who in fact has committed such a offense; and may use DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE for such purpose when he or she reasonably believes such to be necessary to:

(a) Defend himself, herself or a third person from what he or she reasonably believes to be the use of imminent use of deadly physical force; or

(b) Effect the arrest of a person who has committed murder, manslaughter in the first degree, robbery, forcible rape, or forcible criminal sexual act and who is in immediate flight there from.

There are a number of films which deal with the topic from many different countries. Rashoomon from Japan, Two Women from Italy, Virgin Spring from Sweden are a few examples.

(NYS Penal Code Section 35.30 - pp 14-15)

It is only comparatively recently that males were defined as potential victims of rape, although this has been the subject of a number of films such as Deliverance, Fortune in Men’s Eyes and The Rape of Richard Beck to name a few.

The topic of rape has been discussed as both an act of violence and a sex act. The two are not mutually exclusive. If rape is simply an act of violence then it would in a sense be no worse than any other assault, but its sexual nature alters it dramatically.

Another aspect of rape which has been hotly debated is the question of the role of the victim in the act. Some people have argued that the victim in some way, in some instances instigates the event or even knowingly sets up a situation in which a sex act takes place which is later held to be rape. This argument has been made in cases with Mike Tyson and the case of the team that was tried for rape which turned out to be a hoax. The Tawana Brawley case also sparked a controversy about the situation.

Since rape is a criminal act, there is likely to be trial involving the act. Although the trial in Anatomy of a Murder is not a rape trial, rape figures prominently in it. Two major problems have been raised in the discussion of rape that are relevant here:

(a) Can one be sure in all cases of forcible rape that it actually was rape? False accusations for various motives by victims (next day remorse for having gotten sexually involved the night before, desire to "get even", prostitutes who haven't been paid are some examples). These have appeared in legal cases such as those with Mike Tyson, the Tawana Brawley case and the Duke Lacrosse team rape case.

(b) What role did the victim play in causing the attack? This aspect of the crime has many parts to it one of which is the idea of making the victim the person responsible for the rape by "leading" the actual perpetrator on. The second part of the discussion deals with the idea that if women can be found to be not guilty of crimes by virtue of normal imbalances like PMS, why should men be thought of as being above their hormones, so that if sufficiently aroused, the ability to stop the sex act may become limited too.

Notes on Anatomy of a Murder