This has been gone over in class several times so do not e-mail me about it.

As I pointed out, there are several possibilities for the paper.

(a) Compare a non fiction film like Titicut Follies with a fiction film like Snake Pit and discuss the ways in which the comparison elucidates the differences between fiction and non fiction films. You should use all the concepts discussed in class since the term started.

(b) Analyze a non fiction film that you have watched OUTSIDE the class and which we have not shown in class (even if it was on a day you were absent). You should, in effect do what is done with any film we have talked about - discuss why it is important as a film, what issues it raises in terms of the history of non fiction film, what the film is trying to do and how it does it.

(c) Organize a course on non-fiction films indicating what you believe to b the important threads, trends and themes in the history and development of non fiction films. Indicate what films you were selected to exemplify those threads, trnds and themes.

No. I will not write the paper for you.