Boris Karloff
Bela Lugosi
Lionel Atwill
George Zucco
Dwight Frye
Peter Cushing
Christpher Lee
Lon Chaney
Lon Chaney Jr.
Robert Englund


Jack Pierce (Man Who Laughs, Frankenstein, Wolfman, Werewolf of London, Universal’s Mummy series
Lon Chaney (Hunchback of Notre Dame, Phantom of the Opera, London after Midnight, Unholy Three)
Rick Baker (Howling, Werewolf of London, King Kong, Wolf, Men in Black, Planet of the Apes (2001) The Ring, The Ring 2, The Wolfman 2010)
Roy Ashton (Hammer Studios) (Hound of the Baskervilles, Brides of Dracula, Evil of Frankenstein)


James Whale (Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein)
Jacques Tourneur (Cat People, I Walked With a Zombie, Leopard Man, Night (Curse) of the Demon)
Tod Browning (Freaks, Dracula, London After Midnight)
Robert Wise (Curse of the Cat People, The Haunting)
William Castle (Thirteen Ghosts, House on Haunted Hill, Tingler, Homicidal)
Roger Corman (The Raven, The Terror, Tomb of Ligeia, Masque of the Red Death, etc.)
Robert Aldrich (Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte)
Jack Arnold (Creature from the Black Lagoon)
Wes Craven (Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream)
Tobe Hooper (Texas Chain Saw Massacre)
George Romero (Night of the Living Dead)
Mario Bava (Italy) (Black Sabbath, Planet of the Vampires, Caltiki the Undying Monster)
Dario Argento (Italy) (Deep Red, Suspira)
Terence Fisher (Britain - Hammer Studios) (Horror of Dracula, Curse of Frankenstein, Hound of the Baskervilles)
John Carpenter (Halloween, The Fog, Christine)
Rob Zombie (House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil’s Rejects, Halloween (2007), Halloween 2 (2009))


Val Lewton (Cat People, I walked with a Zombie,, Leopard Man,, Curse of the Cat People,, Ghost Ship, 7th Victim, Body Snatcher)
Roger Corman (Monster from the Ocean Floor, Little Shop of Horrors, Brain Eaters, Wasp Woman etc.)
William Alland (It Came from Outer Space, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Tarantula, Mole People, Deadly Mantis etc.)
Hal E. Chester (Beast from 20,000 Fathoms; Night (Curse) of the Demon