This is a “W” course which means there is an intensive writing component to the class. Students need to work on writing skills as well as analytical skills for film analysis.

There are writing tutors who can help. Their schedules can be found in the film department office (201 WEB)

There are many important aspects to writing, not the least of which has to do with style. In this class you are supposed to be writing “academic papers” not e-mails to your friends. This involves a specific writing style which you need to master. The style does not include slang and other kinds of “loose speech”. Clear writing is necessary for the reader to get an understanding of what you actually mean to convey (other than total confusion).

This involves writing, re writing, re-rewriting ad infinitum.

At the lowest level, grammar is the most important element. Sentences which are ungrammatical are often unclear and hide what you are trying to say.

There are several common errors in grammar which you have to avoid.

(a) run on sentences

(b) sentence fragments

(c) incorrect agreement between subject and verbs

If you can’t control these you probably don’t belong in college.

Incorrect agreement between subject and verb is most problematic when the subject and verb become separated.

“The number of people are very great”

This one is reasonably simple and one not likely to actually occur, but you can see where the problem lies, It is the NUMBER (singular) which is “great” not the people. Because “people” which is usually plural comes immediately before the verb, the is a tendency to make the verb agree with that word rather than the subject.

Another common error comes from using “you and I” rather than “you and me”. The easiest solution to this one that I know of is to change the “you + X’ to either “we” or “us” and see what happens,

“Just between you and I…….” => “Just between we…”

“Just between you and me…..” => Just between us…”

Since “Just between we” sounds wrong, then Just between you and I is wrong”

You can substitute “we” for “you ad I” and you can substitute “us” for “you and me”.