Same kind of question about deals with the Devil.
Why do lawyers get bad rap?
Question of law vs. justice
What is law? What is justice?
Question of rational vs. logical
I’m a lawyer I win that’s what I do I win
Lawyers seem to be interested in law and not justice - the interest is in manipulating a logical system (legal) so as to get the guilty off
Questions of professionalism vs. personal morals: Is it morally right for a lawyer to take an oath to defend a client to the best of their ability and then reneg on it when personally the lawyer decides the client is guilty.
Part of hermeneutic tradition in a sense – Devil can quote scripture. Scripture is in some way "law"
Early line: First lets kill all the lawyers is from Shakespeare but is spoken by a bad guys
Lines that reference the Devil
Events that reference the Devil
Biblical References
Devil’s first appearance – from back – out of focus – watching - desceneds into subway
Quick change of time somewhat fiery looking – alternation between light and dark
Rejoicing over getting someone off who is guilty
Opening deals with child molestation
Moment of Decision: Catches client being aroused and realizes he is guilty
Looks at himself in mirror
ONE SUB-TEXT: Professional vs. Provate ethics
Color Coding
Things change: woman morphs in dressing room
Mary sees woman in hospital change in mirror
Final morph of reporter into devil
Mary’s hair goes between 2 styles
Double cutting: Mary wakes up - the room appears vertical. We see Mary walking out and lying down: indicates dream sequence
phone beeps increase in volume in dream sequences
sees baby
Death of Eddie Barzooms
Death of Mitch Weaver Justice dept.
"We knew they were guilty - kept on winning – blood money." Does this imply that they knew they were doing "wrong" all along?
How does this compare with "I am a good man" ending of Crazy as Hell?
How does he get people to acquit on a jury when they have free will?
Did he kill Barzoom and Weaver? Did he just make it on option for 2 homeless guys to do that or for the driver to hit Weaver?
Does he kill his own daughter?
Reestablish justice over law
Doesn’t pull strings at first trial – Should he be judge and jury based on what he heard in dream?
What is his attitude toward the poor? Stay in the trenches be with the people – 2 homeless guys kill Barzoom
Can’t tell dreams from real supernatural – handled similarly in the film. (scene with baby has double cutting – same person in two places) supernatural maybe not. No double cutting with homeless Why does he use homeless people as attackers? Does this conflict with his "stay in the trenches" revolutionary philosophy?
Is the end a cope out?
If the film has a sub text that deals with personal vs. professional ethics where is this visually represented in the film? Is it just a "message" tacked on?
Does Kevin and Maryanne's return to Florida and the opening shots indicate the film is in his mind - that is what could happen if he continues to defend this man?
Has he been returned for a second chance because he killed himself (isn't suicide a sin?)
Why does he drop the case the second time? Does he rememebr what happened?
Is the implication that he is going to go to New York the second time around? If so is he making all the same mistales again? What's the point?