Bryan Singer (Usual Suspects, Superman Returns)

The X-Men are a team of fictional comic book superheroes in the Marvel Comics universe. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, they debuted in The X-Men #1, published in September 1963.

The X-Men have branched into film and television, including one of the most successful Saturday morning programs, X-Men: The Animated Series. The year 2000 saw the successful debut of the X-Men movie directed by Bryan Singer. Its sequel X2 was released in 2003, and a third X-Men movie, X-Men: The Last Stand, was released May 26, 2006.

First comic to deal with a multi-cultural cast of characters who are reflected in a sense in their mutant counterparts

Start in Nazi Germany and persecution of Jews

Ellis Island (immigration site)

X-men have double enemies: people in the US who are anti mutant; people who are other mutants and hostile to “normals”

Anonymity – compare terrorist cells – you hide because others will try to get you.


X-Men not animals:


Magneto’s mutants are more so

Sabre tooth

Only Wolverine is marginal here. He rejects to a degree the status of X-man (rejects costume etc.

Indicates he has not chosen what he will do - may even join other side

Only one of the mutants in film who has been operated on and many of his aspects are the result of the surgery rather than his mutant status.


Position taken in train when lifted into the air by Magneto appears like Christ on cross. Ties with resurrection motif of bringing Rogue back from the dead.


Look for things like rack focus (ex. Focus goes from Rogue in cab of truck to Wolverine’s fingers as she asks “When they come out does it hurt?” Rack focus clarifies the “it”). MESSAGES

To be against mutants is to be a Nazi

Parallels between Magneto and Xavier
see where both go to “do their thing” both are on a ramp,

Magneto sees the dark side of humanity
Xavier sees the brighter side.

There is some indication of the idea that experience alters perception of the world. Magento’s experience during WWII indicate why he is the way he is. What does that say about others with that experience??? Religious motifs and contrsts between animal names and and non animal mutants as well as between mutants and humans seems to ask the question of what it means to be human. The answer comes in some ways in terms of the development of compassion. Wolverine in this is the pivotal character who is first seen in a "no holds barred" fight, and then throws Rogue out of the trailer of his vehicle. When she wants to know which reason he would given for doing this he says "Pick one". He leaves, but stops the truck and lets her join him in the cab. This is the beginning of his compassion which develops through the film until he finally is willing to sacrifice himself to save Rogue who appears to have died.

In this development of compassion the story line ties to the story of Percival and the Fiasher King in the Grail Romances.