Tim Burton


Best actor – supporting role: Martin Landau (Lugosi)
Best make up: Rick Baker

Lots of nominations and wins

Biography and Genre

The next two weeks look at the way in which the biographical material is handled. In most cases, the biography is also a drama. But in some cases it falls into a different category – comedy and musical.

Comedians are not necessarily the subject of comedies.

Many diffferent genres but not all equally capable of handling bio-pics. Musicals are possible, as can be seen with Evita and Gypsy which are true musicals as opposed to biographical films with music> In true musicals diagetic music pccurs where one would not normally find music. In Oklahoma, South Pascific, West Side Story and many others people sing and dance where people normally do not. In films of any genre with music, the characters perform music in settings where such performances would happen. With a Song in My Heart (Jane Froman), Interrupted Melody (Marjorie Lawrence) Ray (Ray Charles) etc. are all films in which the performance takes place on stage or in night clubs and so on. In true musicals, music may occur both in performance spaces and in non performance spaces. In Gypsy for example, music occurs when the performers are appearing in poerformance and also when they are not.

There are not many biopics in the horror genre although Henry, Portrait of Serial Killer (Henry Lee Lucas) might qualify. A science fiction bio pic would be a hard one to find!

Ed Wood One of the problems about an Ed Wood biography is the question of what he did that made him worthy of a bio-pic. His major accomlishiment was he was voted worst director ever. This would hardly seem to be a person to merit a bio-pic, despite his cult following. Without fame through something significant (even if negative) seems to be the common bit to biogrpahies.

Relatively unknown film maker, born in Poughkeepsie NY in 1924 and died at age 54 in N. Hollywood. An extraordinary complex individual with a strong military record (including missing teeth and a maimed leg from combat in WWII while serving in the US Marines, Wood was a transvestite and (claims to have worn women’s underwear while fighting in the Pacific. (It has been argued that his mother wanted a girl and dressed him in girl’s clothing until he was about 12) He had a number of other “peculiarities” about him

One of the complexities of the film is not making a transvestite kind of comedy like Some Like it Hot, but rather dealing with his transvestism as he did.

He achieved notoriety by being voted “Worst director of all times” and his “Plan Nine from Outer Space” The worst movie of all time.

He was known for his lack of continuity and his ability to create shots with extraordinarily low budgets, This may have had something to do with his refusal to do more than one take much of the time (compare W.S. Van Dyke “One take Woody “ who was known for his ability to bring pictures in under budget and quickly yet has a very high reputation.

Woods films are crazy in many ways, but something of his enthusiasm comes through and makes the films almost perversely enjoyable. His Glen or Glenda is an early tolerance film which is notable for that if nothing else. Wood always consider this the film that told people about him, but considered Plan Nine is masterpiece. The copyright is still held by the Baptist Church.. Wood saw very little or any of the profits from the film

Johnny Depp and Tim Burton

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp’s career started in film in 1984 with his appearance in Nightmare on Elm Street (dir Wes Craven). From 1987 – 1990 he appeared in the popular TV hit 21 Jump Street He appeared in Platoon and John Water’s 1990 Cry Baby. In the same year he teamed for the first time with Tim Burton in Edward Scissorhands, which started a collaboration which resulted in a number of films including Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd and the upcoming Alice in Wonderland..

He also appeared in a large number of roles including What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Ninth Gate, The Dead, and From Hell

He became known for his taking on odd and quirky roles, which led to some dismal flops and well as great successes.

Tim Burton

Tim Burton had similar relationship with Vincent Price (Price appears in Edward Scissorhands)

Some questions to think about.

(1) Does the film start like a “normal” biography? How does it start?
(2) Does the film cover the entire life of the main character? Does it refer to his earlier life even if I is not show
(3) What is the point of the film? Is Ed Wood a “great man”? What “subtext” or what “peg” is the story hung on?


We have discussed the problem of accuracy before and pointed out that the film in general has to stand on its own. Accuracy can only be tested by comparing the film against an outside sourse, which invalidates the idea that the film must stand on its own. None the less, there are problems for film makers involved. A lack of accuracy an lead to problems of slander and libel if person is alive. (Question about what Loretta King actually promised Wood in terms of money)

Some scenes are clearly faked and added for literary or dramatic reasons, but still require outside info:

Many said Lugosi did not swear (possible especially in English)
Wood did not meet Orson Welles but was a big fan
Wood did not meet Kathy in hospital

The film bears a relationship to the old Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland “Lets put on a show” films. This is a “Let’s put on a movie” film which exhibits the same ebullience of the former and hence makes the film somewhat reflexive.

The film lacks a typical “verifying” opening. It has instead a rather odd, opening with Jeffrey Jones as Griswell. Does it tend to validate the “true” story?

Film deals with “rounding up a gang of misfits” to make films. Many characters introduced in their own space: Tor Johnson in wrestling ring, Old Man McCoy in meat packing business, Criswell and Lugosi in coffins Both appear in coffins in their final shots as well.

Many odd cameos:

Ron Howards father Rance is meat packer store owner
Bill Cusack (Tony McCoy) is John Cusack’s brotherPlan Nine from Outer Space is a potential backer.
Conrad Brooks (bartender) is in many of the original Ed Wood films
Korla Pandit (musician at party) was famous TV personailty


Sudden shifts in mood have startling effect. Calls Vampira and then comes call from Lugosi
Sittiing with Kathy and Lugosi dies (phone call – nothing said. Cut to funeral and burial)


B& W. Definitive feel of the time (and Wood’s movies). Many difficult lighting shots:
At TV studio where monitor is real
Tracking shot which winds up with Lugosi framed in arch when he does his reprise /rIpriyz/ of his “Home, I have no home” speech.
Many shots with kind of spotlights in background (Lugosi’s house e.g.)
Shadow of Lugosi’s hand over Wood’s face when “hypnotizing”
Getting focus of attention on the correct row in the wrestling arena


Wood’s transvestism made more dramatic by keeping his everyday clothes conservative and not flambouant.
Lugosi wears similar if not same clothes all the time. Poor

Musical Score

Serious. Not comic (consider end sequences)
Quotes from Swan Lake (Universal Monster theme)
Use of Theremin - an electronic instrument often associated with both sci fi films and psychosis (e.g. Spellbound

Recreation Scenes

Problems in recreating scenes from the original movies so they don’t look overacted. The is big problem for Landau in creating a Lugosi who is not the Lugosi of comedians, but is sympathetic and interesting.

What is the “peg” on which to tell the story?

Relationship between Wood and Lugosi. Friendship between the 2 men. The need and respect they have for one another.

The joy if film making even when you are terrible at it. Does Woods intensity come through in his films? Does he have a recognizable style? If so is that enough to make him interesting?

The enemies in the film are “rational people” Criticism by them are justifiable. None the less do you get to like Wood and root for him? Do you hope he makes the stupid blunders and gets the film out with them in it? What attracts you to the “band of misfits”? How does the scene where Fuller calls Wood and his friends “misfits” affect you? Do you agree with her in some ways? Do the “misfits” seem somewhat pathetic at that moment? Are you sorry for them? Do you understand Fuller’s position in leaving Ed when she says she wants a “normal” life? What does this say about the traits that Wood has that makes him appealing? Somewhat pathetic