Director: Ron Shelton

Kinds of life stories:



(i)(real (ii) ghost authored (c)Authorized
(f)Roman a clef
Purpose of biography

(1) To explain person – usually an attempt at some sort of psychoanalytic approach.
(2) to serve as model
(3) to show how private life and public life interact

Truth annd Accuracy

Dramatic license - add scenes and incidents which didn't occur to emphasize some aspect of person's life
Some aspects of story from elsewhere (Peckinpah shot up house)

Louis Prima and Keeley Smith – not clear they were there or involved in the event (where Cobb takes over stage) Sweet Georgia Brown was not sung

Story about batting average was made to sports writer not on stage

These things can not be known from the film alone but require outsidee knowledge, The film must stand on its own merits, but the question of the biographical genre almost presupposes some kind of "truth" about it. Consider the ways in which the films in the genre attempt to indicate they are "true", which is not typical of other genres (other than documentaries). This film looks at the writing of the biography. It is not JUST the story of Ty Cobb, but also the story of Al Stumpo writing the story of Ty Cobb

Film based on writings and conversations with Al Stump and anecdotes

After the film

Truth and Accuracy

Dramatic conventions: Vary from truth but are in keeping with story. Does that wash?

Opening newsreel to give credibility

Uses real people as well as actors (Roger Clemens as pitcher for example)

Who tells story - first biography is “authorized” - to the point where he even dictates punctuation. The second is unauthorized. IS either true?

Attempt to get to the person themselves. Here the director tries to get into his head when he sees film in Joan of Arc film uses her words

Explanatory function:

Does the film try to explain Cobb's persoality through a single childrhood event - his father’s death? Is that psychologically valid? Does it work in the film? How old is Cobb when his father dies? Is that an age which would impact his "basic personality?" What does Cobb say about his personality before and after the death of his father?

. What episode does the event with the train on the bridge follow? Is there an implication that his baptism and religious background affected his personality? Do we see how?

What does the film say about culture of the time and place where Cobb grew up? How did this impact on his life?

Does the explanatory approach also involve making Cobb's private life public? What does Cobb say about this? Where is it in the film (e.g. What events in the film do people in he film say should be left out of people's biographies?

"Biographies Serve as models" theory:

Is the film about this idea? "When the legend is better than the truth print the legend" is an old newspaper adage.


Since the film starts in media res (in the middle of things) how do we find out wehat happened before?

flashbacks through narrative
short "trip" through Cobbs head when he sees the newreel
How to get info about illness and involvement with stock rading across? Some is in dialog, but also visually with ticker tape machine in house, his reading the stock prices in the paper in the hospital etc.

His yelling about illness and throwing pills is a way to get expository information across

Story set in 1960-1961 (Cobb died in 1961)

Hos does Shelton set time and moodsof the film

Pup music, e.g."Summer Place" (1960), "The Way You Look Tonight"

Color palette

Color desaturation (especially in flashbacks)
Bl;ack and white in newreel
Bright reds missing until blood from Cobb’s mouth and film stops being desaturated of color
Cross lighting in cemetery scene. Winter light in south in winter
. Internal monolog. Original movietone news article and see what Cobb sees. B and W to desaturated color as movie sparks memories
Kind of road movie.

Where are they going? To some degree to Cobb’s death.

What is the journey? What is the trajectory for the characters? Who changes most Cobb or Stump? Whose biogrsphy is it? What can we say about his life

Why do we forgive or allow the behavior

What do you think of Cobb? Are there admirable traits about him?

Ability to deal with pain
Strong willed
Great player
Took care of indigent ball players - concern about catcher.Mickey Cochrane
Is he vulnerable? Money to get girl to lie about sleeping with him.

Story about the killiing of Cobb's father

Does the story explain Cobb’s behavior? (Murder was when he was 17) Southern upbringing? Murder of father by mother’s lover If it explains it, does it make it forgiveable? What is relationship between control or event and guilt.

How does the story explain Cobb?

Story changes, much as the audience attitufe toward the two main characters changes.

Father incapable of holding on to wife

Mother not faithful.

Adored mother – identification with father on male level.

What would this have meant in a religious, turn of the century small Southern town? Music based on hymn that impressed Shelton and in the film impresses Cobb

Rage from South, Baptism gets to hymn about fountain of blood

What do you feel about Stump: Stayed because he was that close to greatness. Is that admirable? Paid off police. Betrays him

Stump had problems in marriage etc. = Cobb took his mind off things

Is there a trajectory for the 2 characters. Does Cobb change or just our (Stump’s) perceptin of him change) Does Stump change? How?


People need to believe these things

Opens with statement about the eyes. Something genetic?

Film asks questions about celebrity status and how and why they can get away with that they do. What is there about charisma?

People have asked how the audience can so readily get behind Norman Bates after the murder of Marion Crane (that is how is the allegience shifted from Marion to her murderer? Of course the audience doesn't know that at that point.

Cobb is a wife beater, a racist, and many other things. He killed someone, he attacks Ramona, his team mates hate him and won't let him into the party (not the difference in the erlationship between them and Cobb publically and privately).

Separation between personality and accomplishments is a main subtext of the film as well