I. Readings
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From the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Ruth, Judges 13-16
From the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Revelations
2. Two books from the following list
Blake, Richard Aloysius 2000 Afterimage : The Indelible Catholic Imagination of Six American Filmmakers Loyola Press
Forshey, Gerald E. 1992 American Religious and Biblical Spectaculars God in the Movies : A Sociological Investigation Greenwood Publishing Westport CT.
Greeley, Andrew M., Albert J. Bergesen 2003 (orig. 2000) God in the Movies : A Sociological Investigation Transaction Publishers Somerset, NJ
Kinnard, Roy and Tim Davis 1992 Divine Images: A History of Jesus on the Screen Citadel Press, NY
Stern, Richard C. Clayton Jefford and Guerric Debona 1999 Saviour on the Silver Screen Paulist Press, Mahwah
Tatum, W. Barnes 1997 Jesus at the Movies: A Guide to the First 100 Years Polebridge Press Weststar Inst. Santa Rosa
4. If you are interested in further biblical materials you should get a concordance, biblical dictionary, atlas and a "Who's who in The Bible". Here are some suggestions
Calvovoressi, Peter 1999 Who's Who in the Bible Penguin Books, NY
Gardner, Joseph L. 1981 Reader's Digest Atlas of the Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the Holy Land Reader's Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY
Porter, J.R. 1995 The Illustrated Guide to the Bible Oxford University Press, NY
Pritchard, James B. (ed) 1991 The Harper Concise Atlas of the Bible Harper Collins, New York
Rowley, Harold H. 1969 New Atlas of the Bible Doubleday and Company, Garden City, NY
Selamn, Martin J. and Martin H. Manser 1998 The Hearthside Bible Dictionary Macmillan Publishers.Nashville, Tenn.
Wigoder, Geoffrey 1986 Illustrated Dictionay & Concordance of the Bible G.G. The Jerusalem Publishing House Ltd. Jerusalem
Ginzberg, Louis 1956 (orig 1909) Legends of The Bible Konecky & Konecky, Old Saybrook, CT.
Graves, Robert and Raphael Patai Hebrew Myths,: The Book of Genesis Doubleday and Co. Garden City, NY
Mitchell, Stephen (1996) Genesis: A New Translatioin of the Classical Biblical Stories Harper Collins, NY
III. The Class Meetings
IV. Papers and Exams
Final exam.