
The Sioux

There are several sub-divisions of the Sioux: Dakota, Lakota and Nakota. These are simply dialect variations in which some dialects have /d/ others have /l/ and others /n/.

Pine Ridge is the name of a reservation and town on S. Dakota near Nebraska border.

The Sioux are well knon for many famous fighters who came out of the area - Crazy Horse, American Horse, Sitting Bull etc.


Standard character all over the world - Bre'r Rabbit, Loki, Coyote, Raven, Blue Jay, Iktome etc. General mischief maker. Related perhaps tp Culture hero who brings good things (teaches by example) and opposed to trickster who often messes things up (learn what NOT to do).

Coyote and his mother in law
Some tricksters are shape shifters and appear in different forms. Often they switch between human and animal.

NW Coast Raven clerly a bird in bringing fire, but clearly human when he demands boxes with sun moon and stars.


The film is directed by Chris Eyre, a Cheyenne Arapaho from Oregon who know lives in S. Dakota.

Things to look for

This is NOT a road movie, nor is it blatently about identity, although one could make a case that some of that is present.
What is the film about?
How does the film open - what possible reason could there be for chosing this kind of opening?
What kind of cultural information is given in the film about the people, society and culture at Pine Ridge and neighboring towns?
Can you discrn the director's position about conditions there?
What other film can you think of that opens with "newreel" footage in order to introduce you to the character? Citizen Kane. AFTER THE FILM

What is the film about?

This is NOT a road movie, nor is it blatently about identity, although one could make a case that some of that is present.
How are the two brothers (rudy and Mogie)different? How dotheir differences and similarities relate to who they are (identity problem in altered form)

How does the film open - what possible reason could there be for chosing this kind of opening?
Newsreel footage. Shows real events on the reservation. Supplies context for film
Bill Clinton came to reservation - nothing changed.

What kind of cultural information is given in the film about the people, society and culture at Pine Ridge and neighboring towns?

Poverty (80% unemployment)
traditional religion (vision (when Rudy hits his head), funerals, sweat lodge)
Violence among young people
spouse abuse

No monolithic images: brothers are different
houses are different
different attitudes to Verdell Weasel tail getting caught in trap.

Can you discern the director's position about conditions there?

Chris Eyre says visitors to Pine Ridge see the poverty and some oppression but they don't see there is much love on the reservation, and there is.

(The violence, alcoholism. spouse abuse, violence among young people are all result of poverty. Reservations were calmer in teh past with more poverty).

Breaks sterotypes

Young medicine man
women police officers
playing football
Indians not "noble"

Some of the "in things" are likely to be understood only by Northern Plains people.

Use of Siouan language
"all my relations" (closing line of prayers)
honoring song at funeral


Throws paint on Rushmore - can you desecrate a desecration? Sacredness is symbolic - it exosts in the conception of something not the thing itself. The Black Hills are sacred to the Sioux, not because they are inherently sacred (they aren't to other people). Anglos desecrate the sacred Black Hills by sculpting the presidents there only to people who believe the Black Hills are sacred. The carving itself may be sacred to the Anglos so does Rudi in effect (albeit on a much smaller level) desecrate something? The films is full of these ambiguities which one the one hand give the film depth, but also leave the film ambiguous and unresolved.

He does this to "honor" his brother who wantde to do something to the statue as a "joke"

Humor Trickster and Mosie are humorous. Rudy takes other aspect of trickster on - somewhat dangerous
Madonna T-shirt (woman I love)
shooting sequence
Get free beer at the picnic
Law and Order


Police - Eyre seems poitive to police feels job is difficult and takes a toll.
Police deal with felony crimes, spouse abuse, public drunkeness.

attack on boys
burning liquor store

Depictions of family in film(s)

Films is about relations between people - specifically two very different brothers.

Rudi and nephew
Are there other family relationships in the film?

Compare the two brotehrs in On the Waterfront. The question is not one of do Indians have more or less relatives but somethign about the nature of the relationship in the culture. Culture is not a bunch of isolated traits, but the way in which those traits are integrated. How much does the viewer have to know (cultural presupposition) and how much does the film inform you of what you need to know.


Point of View shots

At hosptial the last time Mogie and Rudy see each other.

Camera movement

Camera moves in on the two in hospital
Camera moves away when Rudy leaves his brother for the last time


No edits in long scene when Herbie comes to see Mogie after he promised to cut back on drinking. Is the a "homage" to Welles and his long shots in Touch of Evil?

Some Questions to "Ponder" about the Nature of the film and the director.

How do the Indians look - there is variation for example in skin color, and dinstinctive facial features. What can you say abuot the choice of actors?

When Gary Farmer cuts his hair in Smoke Signals, some people feel he looks virtually like an Anglo. Does he? What might this kind of casting imply?

People asked "Why didn't he just arrest the boys"? Eyre's amswer is that it isn't reasonable in an insane poverty situation like this. How would you interpret this statement?

Does Eyre (a Cheyenne Arapaho) understand Siouan culture? Is he an outsider? All three (CHeyenne Arapaho and Sioux) are Plains Indians so they share some cultural backgruond.

In an interview Eyre's couldn't remember what some of the Dakota words in the film meant.What does that mean about other Indians understanding those aspects of the film? Are they as much in the dark as Anglos?

Can Eyre be classified politically as right or left wing?