1. For which studio was Sunrise made?

2. What term used for imposing an image on another image?

3. What term is used as a point of transition from one state to another, It is originally used in social science for the time in an initiation rites where ones status changes (e.g. from child to adult) where the person is "between" the two positions?

4. Which actor won an Academy award in 1929 for this picture and TWO others made the same year?

5. What did Murnau put in "the Man's" boots" to give him that peculiar menacing walk at times?

6. What famous silent vampire film did Murnau make?

7. John Ford personally chose George O'Brien for a film in the genre for which O'Brien became best known best known. What is the genre?

8. For what category did Charles Rosher and Karl Struss receive Academy Awards for their work on Sunrise

9. With what famous "documentary" film maker (often thought of as the father of documentary and ethnographic film) was Murnau briefly associated for Tabu (a.k.a. Moana)?

10. In Sunrise what occurs on either side of a "flashback"?

Answers will come with the next game.

Answers to Last Week's Quiz

1. In which country was Fritz Lang born?
ANS: Austria

2. What "science fiction" film did Lang make about a separation of city workers and planners which went way over budget nearly bankrupting UFA?
ANS: Metropolis

3. Which film did Lang make based on German and Scandinavian mythology (later divided into two parts)?
ANS:: Nibelungen

4. Under what title was the English version of Lang's famous about a child murderer released?

5.A meeting with a famous Nazi Minister of Propaganda caused Lang to decided to leave Germany, Who was the Minister of Propaganda?
ANS: Joseph Goebbels

6. In Der Müde Tod where does the most fantastic of the stories take place?
ANS: China

7. In Der Müde Tod there is a very short break in "real" time which is stretched out in the film. What is the person taking when the "break in time" happens?
ANS: poison

8. What term is used to define the idea that the belief that all events are predetermined and therefore inevitable?
ANS: "fatalism" or "predestination"

9. What kind of films is James A. Fitzpatrick famous for making?
ANS: travelogues

10. In the 20th century, What company became the largest film equipment and production company in the world?
ANS: Pathe