1. In which country was Fritz Lang born?

2. What "science fiction" film did Lang make about a separation of city workers and planners which went way over budget nearly bankrupting UFA?

3. Which film did Lang make based on German and Scandinavian mythology (later divided into two parts)?

4. Under what title was the English version of Lang's famous about a child murderer released?

5. A meeting with a famous Nazi Minister of Propaganda caused Lang to decided to leave Germany, Who was the Minister of Propaganda?

6. In Der Müde Tod where does the most fantastic of the stories take place?

7. In Der Müde Tod there is a very short break in "real" time which is stretched out in the film. What is the person taking when the "break in time" happens?

8. What term is used to define the idea that the belief that all events are predetermined and therefore inevitable:?

9. What kind of films is James A. Fitzpatrick famous for making?

10. In the 20th century, What company became the largest film equipment and production company in the world?

Answers will come with the next game.

Answers to Last Week's Quiz

1. What term is used for studying a text, often to get to a deeper meaning. Originally applied to the Bible and literature is is now used in film as well?
ANS: hermeneutics

2. What film maker produced the "Keystone Kops" films?
ANS: Max Sennett

3. Which famous maker of comedies in the silent era made the "Our Gang" series of short comedies?
ANS:: Hal Roach

4. Which serial was said to have been the most expensive (in excess of a million dollars) when it was made?
ANS: Flash Gordon

5. What Laurel and Hardy film won an Academy Award?
ANS: The Music Box

6. What other term is used for "coming attractions"?
ANS: trailers

7. In what kind of film is the "cliff hanger" is used (although improperly for earlier films of this kind)
ANS: serials

8.Pearl White stared as the main character in one of the most famous serials. What is the name of the serial?
ANS: The Perils of Pauline

9. What kind of films is James A. Fitzpatrick famous for making?
ANS: travelogues

10. In the 20th century, What company became the largest film equipment and production company in the world?
ANS: Pathe