1. What term is used for studying a text, often to get to a deeper meaning. Originally applied to the Bible and literature is is now used in film as well?
2. What film maker produced the "Keystone Kops" films?
3. Which famous maker of comedies in the silent era made the "Our Gang" series of short comedies?
4. Which serial was said to have been the most expensive (in excess of a million dollars) when it was made?
5. What Laurel and Hardy film won an Academy Award?
6. What other term is used for "coming attractions"?
7. In what kind of film is the "cliff hanger" is used (although improperly for earlier films of this kind)?
8. Pearl White stared as the main character in one of the most famous serials. What is the name of the serial?
9. What kind of films is James A. Fitzpatrick famous for making?
10. In the 20th century, What company became the largest film equipment and production company in the world?
Answers will come with the next game.
Answers to Last Week's Quiz
1. What Italian film did Griffith see that impressed him with its size and camera movement?
2. What is the name of the Russian who discovered adjacent shots have an impact on one another and gave his name to the effect which is the basis for "montage"?
3. Griffith was impressed that the Italian epics were not shown at nickelodeons. Where were they shown?
4. Montage is generally associated with what country’s film industry?
5. Which director who followed Griffith and went on to directing several biblical epics such as The Ten Commandments?
6. Which famous silent screen performer rocks the cradle in Intolerance?
7. Of the four stories in Intolerance (modern, French, Babylon and Jerusalem) two were released as single films after Intolerance Tell me ONE of them.
8.With what special effect does Griffith reveal our first look at his massive Babylon set?
9.Several of the stories in Intolerance end with several scenes (or sequences) that Griffith was prone to use near the film’s climax to build to his "climax" ( a sort of "set piece". What kind of scene is that?
10. Griffith often uses a specific sequence of shots in a sequence. What is a common openning shot for a new location?
ANS: Quo Vadis? or Cabiria
ANS: Lev Kuleshov
ANS:: (legitimate) theaters
ANS: Russia
ANS: Cecil B. deMille
ANS: Lillian Gish
ANS: modern (Mother and the Law) Babylon (The Fall of Babylon)
ANS: an iris
ANS: a chase
ANS: a long shot