Apocalypse Now



Key light: see below
fill in light see below
back light see below
lighting design see below
scopophilia: a desire to se
specularize: to make something to grstify scopophilia!
liminal : transitional state when something is changing
arc: the path taken by a charcter involving their change in the narrative


Major lights:

Key light: Usually about 45 degree angle to subject from camera
Fill: usually 45 degrees the other side. Softens shadows from key light
Backlight: separates subject from background
Background light: separates subject from background

Fill in with other lights and reflectors etc.

Source lighting. Light should come from a source (lamp, window etc.) The famous cinematographer James Wong Howe once said “source lighting is for sissies”

High contrast (Rembrandt or chiaroscuro lighting) pools of hard, direct light with fast “fall off” – doesn’t become gradually darker.

Relative lightness and darkness in sequential scenes

Photography – “Writing with light”

Camera allow light to fall on film (expose the film to light). Too much light falling on the film causes an “overexposure” (picture is too white). Not enough light causes an underexposure (picture is too dark).

The amount of light can be adjusted by two features on the camera: the aperture opening (often referred to as “f stop”) and how quickly the shutter is open (referred to as “shutter speed”). The aperture is best imagined as a pin hole which can be enlarged or closed down. The greater the aperture opening the lower the f stop. For example an aperture of f 2 is a wider opening that an aperture of f 16. The numbers can be though of as the denominator of a fraction – hence ½ is greater that 1/16 .

The shutter speed is the length of time that the shutter is “open”, allowing light to fall on the film. Shutter speeds are given in time per second. So a shutter speed of 1/60 means that the shutter is “open” for 1/60th of a second.

Clearly there is a relationship between these two aspects of the camera. One can alter a shutter speed and the aperture and still allow the same amount of light to fall on the film

For example the same amount of light will strike the film if the aperture is f2 and the shutter speed is 1/500 as will strike the film if the aperture is f4 at 1/125.

Finally, in terms of film, there are different films which have different sensitivity to light.. The degree of sensitivity is indicated by an ASA number – the lower the number (say ASA 25) the less sensitive the film is to light. A higher ASA rating (say ASA 400) is more sensitive to light. Films with HIGHER ASA numbers tend towards being “grainier”.

There are other differences created by using different shutter speeds and apertures which will be discussed next time.

Apocalypse Now


Literature vs. Fiction

What is film equivalent of literature?

Before the Film

The film is based on Joseph Conrad’s story Heart of Darkness which deals with the horrors of imperialism The film transports the story from Africa to Viet Nam

Some questions to think about during the film:

Is this an anti-war film? Is it an anti-Viet Nam war film? Is it an anti-U.S. Government film? After the film

The text based on Heart of Darkness

Classic lines from the film:

I wanted a mission, and for my sins they gave me one. ….It was a real choice mission …and when it was over, I’d never want another one.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like victory.
I told you not to stop.
The horror, the horror.


The film opens with a bright establishing shot of a jungle and progresses into darkness. By the end of the film the film is barely visible.

Bright lights at show are last hint of “civilization” before descent into darkness.

Final sequences are very dark – Kurtz almost invisible, Willard emerging from the water in almost total darkness with flashes of lightning.


The film opens with the peculiar sound of Huey helicopters crossing in front of the camera.


Popular songs highly representative of the period.

Film opens with song by the Doors called “The End”

This is the end, my friend
Of all our plans, the end
Of everything the end
And all the children are insane.

Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries from Die Walkuere.

What is the opera Die Walkuere about?

Who are the Valkyrie?

Why are they relevant to this film at the moment when the music is played?

Ultimately native music


How similar are Kurtz (Brando) and Willard (Sheen). Is Willard becoming Kurtz?

What has happened to Kurtz? He came to help the “savages” and has wound up saying “Exterminate the brutes” (Apocalypse Now).

Has he become one of the brutes? What kind of understanding does he have?

What does the fiml say about becoming a brute?

Others appear to have gone to "get" Kurtz before and joined with him rather than exterminating him. Is this happening to Willard?

Why has this change occurred?

Is the transformation caused by contact with Africa (Viet Nam) or the natives there? Why do they lose their humanity and their lofty ideals are replaced with violence and hatred?

What is the meaning about WIllard's statement about what Kurtz really wants- to die like a soldier? Is Kurtz heroic in some ways? What about Willard?

Compare Moby Dick and Pips’s fall into the ocean and his bond with Ahab.

What does the film say?

Is the heart of darkness Africa (Viet Nam) because it terns people into “brutes” savages (the discussion about the inoculated children which Kurtz now understands).

Is the heart of darkness the natives?

Is the heart of darkness inside everyone just waiting to be released?

Film techniques

Film opening:

Visually apocalyptic – the world explodes in fire (napalming of forest)
Shift to Willard (seen upside down – the world is upside down)
Helicopter sounds, prop=>fam transition from war zone to city)

Voice over:

In Saigon

Unable to cope after last tour
Unable to talk to wife except to agree to divorce
When in jungle wanted to be there; when there could only think of the jungle.
Still straddling both worlds but breaking away from civilian life for jungle fighting “ritualized” out of control martial arts which will “book end” the film as he performs it properly

ELS at beginning of film to establish place.

Camera movement with helicopters during attack

Does the film make you "wish you were there? If so is it all the time or some of the time? When?

Cross cutting of killing (sacrifice) of Kurtz with sacrificial killing of ox.

War as insanity.

Behaviors: surfing during firefight
Dancing on boat.
Drug use
Performance by Playboy girls (does anyone understand what is going on here?) Why do soldiers virtually attack the girls. Is everyone losing “civiliazation”

Inability to win when fighting people who understand horror.

No place for compassion or kindness.

What role do the lines have in the film?

Do the soldiers undrestand what they aer doing or what their function is?