1. Each time a shot is photographed it is called a ________TAKE_______________

2. When a camera moves horizontally on its own axis it is called a ____PAN_________

3. In a Vertigo shot the camera ________________MOVES_IN_AND_DOLLIES_OUT____

4. The School of film making which holds that the film should call attention to itslef is known as ________FUNCTIONALISM____.

5. A transition in which one image pushes another off the screen is called a _____WIPE______

6. Sound which occurs within the world of the film is known as ____DIEGETIC____ sound.

7. The making fo a film is divided into three stage, the first of which is called ___pre_production____

8. If there are two people in the frame the shot is called a _____TWO_SHOT____

9. The shot in which the film maker often opens a sequences which lets the audience know where events are happening is called a(n) __ESTABLISHING_SHOT_____ .

10. In a POV shot it is important to ___MATCH_THE_EYE_LINE_______

11. Shorts which are made but are not used in the final version of the film are called ____OUTTAKE____

12.Each individual photograph on a strip of film is called a(n)___FRAME____

13.Verbal information (usually in "silent films") which appears during the film to give the audience information appears on what are called ___INTERTITLE_CARDS____.

14. A lens which allow the photographer to change the focal length while filming is called a(n) ___ZOOM___ lens.

15. When a camera changes focus from one object to another which are at different distances to the camera, it is known as __RACK_FOCUS__.

16. MOS refers to film shot ____WITHOUT SOUND____

17. A device which alows the photographer to walk with a camera while shooting and still get an image which is smooth and not jerky is known as a(n) ____STEADI-CAM__

18. How much of the image that is in focus from the camera to infinity is known as the __DEPTH_OF_FIELD___. 19. Over crnking results in ___SLOW__ motion.

20. A shot in which only a person's eyeball would be visible would be called a(n) ____EXTREME CLOSE UP__ shot

21. A descri[ption of a tory as though it were written by a person describing what the see on the screen is known as a __TREATMENT___

22. AN "f stop" refers to the size of the __APERTURE___.

23. The technique developed by Russian film makers in which shots where juxtaposed against one another to give added meaning is called ___MONTAGE__

24. A change of shot where there is nothing to connect the shots is known as a(n) ____JUMP_CUT___.

25. When the image on the film is too light because too much light was allowed to fall on the film, the film is said to be ____OVEREXPOSED___.

1. Breaking a code related to a text is called ___hermeneutics_________________

2. The desire of someone to see something (for non sexual reasons) is called ________scopophilia_________________________.

3. When a film maker tries to fulfill the audiences desire to look at something and thereby focuses attention on it, it is called ____specularize______________

4. Films need not follow the chronological order of the story in which case the films narrative is ____non linear______________________,

5. The coding of a message through clothing is known as a ______sartorial__________.

6. When the audience sees a connection between two films it is called _____intertexuality____________________

7. When a film maker references another film maker’s film it is called ____homage_________________________

8. When an actor is used to play a role that is different from the kind that actor usually plays, the actor is said to be __playing against type____________,

9. The underlying meaning of a work of art (film, literature) is known as its _______subtext_______________________

10. An element which repeats itself over and over is known as a(n) __motif/trope

11. Film types defined by both visual elements and elements of plot is called a _____genre___________

12. Generally speaking one can say that the narrator of the film is __the camera_____

13. A __symbol___________ is something which represents something else in an arbitrary way

14. When an artist builds a pattern and then breaks it, the place where the break occurs is said to be __foregrounded_______________________.

15.. Structuralism uses ______binary opposition__________ as one of its techniques.

16. The scene in which the audiences is scopophilia is satisfied is called a ___set piece_______

17. A state which is “betweixt and between” is called _liminal___________.

18. The study of the way the story is told is called ____narratology______.

17. ____Style__________ refers to something that allows you to identify a work relative to a time, place or person.

18. Images of entrapment and duplicity are associated with the genre known as ____film noir____.

19. Off screen sounds are often associated with the _horror_or sci fi_ genre.

20. Filmmakers are interested in how the audience ___”reads”_ something – that is how it appears to them when they see it on the screen

21. Showing a wide screen film on a regular television causes a problem which is “solved” by having the television camera move across the original image or show specific parts of the image. This process is called __pan and scan______________.

22. When the audience knows more about what is happening in a film than any character does it is called a(n) ____omniscient___________ narrative

23. When the narrative proceeds in chronological order and then the audience is shown a scene from the past, it is called a __flashback______________.

24. The relative size of the screen height to width is known as ___aspct ratio____________.

25. The subtext of the eruption of the repressed is associated with the ____horror_____________ genre.