I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang

Mervyn LeRoy


92 minutes


In the CJ system the crime, criminal, pursuers, legal system and penal system are all examined. The course has been organized largely around the order of occurrence of the events in the system: the crime, the pursuit, the capture, the trial and now the punishment. The last three films Death Wish and Touch of Evil have dealt with the potential for the ways in which the system may be perverted with by political forces and those of image as well as outright corruption. This film focuses on the penal system and the problems involved in the punishment phase of the system.

Genre and sub genre

Crime/prison/chain gang

Trial, sentencing, prison, (emphasis on treatment/escape) Some films stress the problems of return to civilian life. (parallels between military and prison – both highly controlled environments. Many films about problems of readjustment to civilian life. – Best Years of our Lives is one)

What to do with criminal:

1. Societal revenge/punishment (discourage) (physical and mental- questions about severity of punishment as well as capital punishment)
2. Keep bad guys off the street
3. Make aware of crimes
4, Retrain
5, Build prison to give employment to economically depressed areas.
What does film take as its position? What does the prison in the film do?

Use of crime as blackmail or revenge (sometimes not true – people bring charges or accusations for revenge)

US had highest per capita prison population in the free world. (Also most fundamentally religious)

Chain Gangs

legal – claimed self supporting so taxes less.
Seen as outgrowth of slavery. Could be rented out to companies
Took out word Georgia to make sure that it would be OK in the south. Might lack box office appeal.

Sympathy for criminal often in prison films. Criminal often protahonist – audience identifies with them not their victims.


Judge sets punishment within the context of the law (indeterminate vs. determinate sentencing). The parole board meets when the convicted person has reached the minimum sentence and then decides whether to release the person or not. What should and what does determines their decision?

The nature of crime already known to the judge so the question is whether that should that be a factor in making the decision? Or should it only involve the things which have happened since then (i.e. what has happened while incarcerated)? In New York the commissioners are appointed by the governor. Hence the parole board reflects the attitudes of the governor.

SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS FILMS – There are many of them.


Social problem films are not film making with (a) stock characters (b) identifiable iconography or with (c) definitive formulaic scenes that one expects as occurs with war films, adventure films. Westerns etc. They are linked only by their intent to shine light on social problem that people should be aware of or promote cause. They are designed to “enlighten” or provide information to audience (especially to motivate action) rather than escape.

What, if any, is the responsibility of major companies to audience to educate them? What is their competency?

Compare with teaching. Look at The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and Dead Poets Society

Their basic responsibility is to stockholders – therefore to make money. This not the place for propaganda or preaching.. Samuel Goldwyn reportedly said. “If you have a message, send it western union”.

What does this say about McCarthy hearings and pro leftist films? Are film companies predominantly left wing?

Critics and intellectuals (also often seen as left leaning) favor these films (I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang was nominated for best film and actor but neither won.) Oscars given to many like this

Some “Social Films”

Lost Week End
On the Waterfront
Kramer vs, Kramer
Best Years of Our Lives
Gentlemen’s Agreement
All the Kings Men
Shindlers List
Ordinary People
Deer Hunter
Beautiful Mind.

In the 30s Warner Brothers more interest in these than other studios

Warner known for gritty films and were often cheaply made.

Warner Brothers made cheap films compared to other studios (made in About 1 month and was in theaters Nov. 1932 – less than a year after Burns’ book published.

Warner’s committed to social comment films. Topical “snatched from headlines” Little Caesar, Pubic Enemy, . 42nd Street were realistic musicals

More socially aware of this era.

Were they crusaders – Confessions of a Nazi Spy before American involvement in war. (all other studios avoided for fear of Germany and Italy would not allow imports).

Jack Warner
Two famous directors:

Zanuck – had bis influence on the development of this film (Had falling out a year later and made 10th century pictures and merged with Fox in 1935 was head of production and chief creative forxe at 20th cent fox.

Warner Cost Conscious: Diner is in Little Caesar


The book is based on a true story about a man named Robert Burns and differs in many ways from the film. While it is generally felt that the film has to be analyzed and handled on its own there is no reason not to look at the changes which may give some information about the studio, the writers and the reasons for the changes.

The film has two location shots: Pasedena train station and a quarry in Chastworth area where scenes of chain gang were shot.

Paul Muni (James Allen)

famous actor Austrian. Came to US and performed early. In his 20s with Yiddish theater, then 30s on BWAY
Came because able to talk nominated
Played Scarface
Played screen bios (Pasteur AA) Emile Zola and Benito Juarez
Muni Compared to March/Tracy
Did Inherit the Wind on Brooadway
Demanding actor. More time on stage
Muni:Less than human to have not seiezed chance to expose such evil.
Mervyn LeRoy (Director)

Muni not happy with LeRoy thought he was like a kid.
"Auteur" film maker Little Caesar. Hard to Handle, Golddiggers ‘33, Badf Seed
Produced Wizard of Oz
Director: Madame Curie, Little Women, Quo Vadis
Mervyn LeRoy married Harry Warner’s daughter. Harry (president) dealt with distribution and theater chain. Movie making was Jack to create films

Watch structure of film, imagery, etc.


Episodic structure:

Part I: (Return from war through arrest)

Part II Criminal justice system at work

Part III: The American Dream

Achieves all good things through hard work and application
Part IV: Betrayals
by wife
by system
No Happy ending.

Famous last scene – set up happy ending and then didn’t give it. Fades into darkness


Little musical underscoring (diegetic)
Notice leg iron shuffle – also said of Bogart in Petrified Forest handcuffed
BURNS at parole hearing - A story given about chain and as rehabilitation and look at Burns! (actually the case)

Montage (montages newer at this time:) and other visual decices

Calendar used to show passage of time
Movement of main character shown by maps being observed by the camera. Goes to New England, then to south.
Show time passing – hours of day, calendar shows months and years
Newspaper headlines and articles show development
Trip to Chicago shown by train car and maps.
Return trip with maps and trains
Marriage (shown through license)
Become surveyor – promotions shown by pay stubs, and then reading a book Civil Engineering
Asst, supervisor (pay stubs always with increase in salary).
Pay stub shows he is employed building. Upped to foreman (again by pay stub)
Newspapers again. Indicate he has been free for a year
Passing months shown pn calendar


Brutal whilpping (Censorship boards would cut the scene. Handled in tasteful manner No violence See reactions
See Barney released and the body of deceased.
Cross cuts between to priest/brother and lawyer and the chain gang
Inidication of dehumanization when departing convict rides on coffin of friend at lights match on the coffin

Accident – set went into darkness – gave him the idea to have him fade into darkness. Actually described in first draft.

Some tension building scenes

Escape scenes: proximity of pursuers, rapid cutting; "there he is" (turns out to be hobo)
Scene on barber shop. Not as tense as if Hitchcock had directed it. Tension not the point


Why so popular and successful? This has to do with alterations in the story made by Warners

Timely – struck chord with depression audiences. Parallels between Allan and people in general Government something of the problem

Victims were forgotten men (WWI vets) now many out of work. Promised bonuses which would come in 1945. Thousands went to get their bonuses early – ill treated by Hoover administration caused 1932 loss.

Warner Brothers interested in these forgotten men. Allen => War Hero.

Goldiggers of 1933 has final musical number about forgotten men,


1931- mid summer 1934 studios showed explicit violence to nudity and sexuality. 1930 adopted code, had no teeth. Censorship was by State and sex brutality was to be avoided. Worsening depression that studios pushed envelope to get customers.

Barney is proprietor of a brothel.

Land Lady (Glenda Farrell- usually sympathetic roles – big role in Little Caesar) Implication of sex between them


Depression of medal of honor hocking
Destruction of bridge (goes from being builder of bridges to destroyer. Architects build - symbol of someone to rebuild sosiety (Burns not an architect). Prison recerse process and is destroyer

Preston Sturge’s Sullivan’s Travels – should this kind of be studio film (socially about poor)

Cool Hand Luke

Oh Brother Where Art Thou (take off on Sullivans Travels

Man Who Broke 1,000 Chains deals with Burns and uses his real name.


The film strives for realism contrast training of army with lack thereof in chain gang - just physical labor

Chain gangs were segregated in the south by barracks.

Conditions not exaggerated – maybe played downed.

Omitted sweat box (later in Cool Hand Luke)


Claim is that the film BROUGHT ABOUT SOCIAL REFORM. CLAIMED THAT LED TO REFORM OF CHAIN GANG 1940s and ultimately abolished. Probably brought some amount of pressure.

Parole board hearing – south pained as backwards, prejudiced and known more for moonshine and KKK and fundamentalist religion and lynching (oversimplification) Some fact though

Film has a real impact in the world. Called attention to treatment of prisoners


Burns came to Hollywood and became an advisor on production of film. When there he was very frightened that someone would tell on him and he would be arrested there. After the film came out he was in NJ and was much more open. Was arrested by Newark PD

Picked up ny Jersey police. Georgia tried to get an extradition every paper covered

Gov. A Harry Moore denied the extradition. “You can stay in NJ as long as you lead an honest life and remain a good citizen;” Became tax cosutant married had children. Always had albatross was convicted felon and wanted man. The book and movie were both credited with helping to reform deplorable conditions on Deep South chain gangs, by Governor Ellis Arnall in 1943 In 1940s Georgia governor led to elimination of chain gangs (Arnall) Asked for a pardon and couldn’t get one Arnall (he himself had made it impossible for governors to grant pardons because of the corruption in doing it (see in Clinton) convinced tempted him to come back and have a hearing. Went back and as a result sentence was commuted to time served, Was finally free man.


In film James is war hero and problems arise from inability to get job. This was not the case with Robert Burns of the time. At the end of WWI but much more a problem of the depression era when film was made.

Used “contemporary problems to gain identity and sympathy of audience


Robert Burns not a war hero. Lost soul – wandered around country tryin got find himself. Enlisted hoping army would help. War did opposite. Came back “shell shocked” Many felt US made mistake in getting into WWI Cost too many lives and too much money. Had impact on entry ontp WWII

Robert Burns lost girl friend and job. James Allen has both

Burns brother was clergyman.

Escape went to Atlanta first which is not mentioned as such here.

Barber shop is right out of book (not Hitchcockian for suspense, but film is not about that)

MODIFIED “American Dream” section of film. Becomes everything he wants. Land of opportunity can rise and get ahead and et money, influence and social syanding = happens to James Allen in Chicago. Did happen to Burns. In sort period advanced.

Robert Burns was actually a real estate manager and magazine publisher in Chicago. Better to be builder who would move society forward out of depression

Landlady became Robert Burns’ wife and blew whistle on him. He got ahead because her family set him up as a manager. When he went to magazine business, they bankrolled in part his efforts. She did find out about his fugitive status in a note from his brother.

Has wife trouble. Wayward wife (no evidence real wife like this. Warner makes him into a Paragon of virtue which is not the case)